
Centres, groups and other initiatives

Centre for Cooperative Studies

Centre for Cooperative Studies main activity is knowledge development in relation to agricultural cooperatives.


  • Borgen, Svein Ole og Bernt Aarset

    Participatory Innovaton: Lessons from breeding cooperatives

    Borgen, Svein Ole og Bernt Aarset. (2016): "Participatory Innovaton: Lessons from breeding cooperatives". Agricultural Systems 145, pp 99-105.


  • Olsen, P.I., Prenkert, F., Hoholm, T. and Harrison, D

    The dynamics of Networked power in a Concentrated Business Network

    Olsen, P.I., Prenkert, F., Hoholm, T. and Harrison, D.(2014): The dynamics of Networked power in a Concentrated Business Network. Journal of Business Research, April


  • Prenkert, Frans

    The interactive Constitution of Actors in Industrial Networks: The case of the 黑料专区 City of Ålesund.

    Prenkert, Frans (2013). The interactive Constitution of Actors in Industrial Networks: The case of the 黑料专区 City of Ålesund. International Journal of Business Adminstration, Vol 4 (6), pp 10-28.

  • Bakken, T., Håkansson, H. and Olsen, P. I

    Agency and economizing in interacted economies

    Bakken, T., Håkansson, H. and Olsen, P. I. (2013): ”Agency and economizing in interacted economies”, The IMP Journal 7(2), pp 1-6

  • Prenkert, Frans

    Varumärken i industriella nätverk I: Entreprenörskap och varumärken

    Prenkert, Frans (2013). Varumärken i industriella nätverk I: Entreprenörskap och varumärken: Gidlunds förlag. ISBN 978-91-7844-888-3m pp 195-216.


  • Olsen, P.I.

    Below the Surface: How (seafood-) Markets Work – and How They Change

    Olsen, P.I. (2012): “Below the Surface: How (seafood-) Markets Work – and How They Change", The IMP Journal, 6(3), pp 186-193

  • Prenkert, Frans

    Prenkert, Frans Business Network Simulation: Combining Research Cases and Agent-Based Models in a Robust Methodology

    Prenkert, Frans (2012). Business Network Simulation: Combining Research Cases and Agent-Based Models in a Robust Methodology. International Journal of Business Administrtaion, Vol 3 (6), pp 82-92.

  • Hoholm, T. and Håkansson, H

    Interaction to bridge network gaps: A case study of innovation in fish technology

    Hoholm, T. and Håkansson, H. (2012) “Interaction to bridge network gaps: A case study of innovation in fish technology”, The IMP Journal, 6 (3)

  • Hoholm, T. and Olsen, P. I

    The Contrary Forces of Innovation. A Conceptual Model for Studying Networked Innovation Processes

    Hoholm, T. and Olsen, P. I. (2012): “The Contrary Forces of Innovation. A Conceptual Model for Studying Networked Innovation Processes”, Industrial Marketing Management, 41, pp 344-356

  • Håkansson, H. and Olsen, P. I

    Innovation in Networked Economies – In the Age of the Smart System

    Håkansson, H. and Olsen, P. I. (2012): “Innovation in Networked Economies – In the Age of the Smart System”, Journal of Business Market Management


  • Olsen, P.I.

    Knowledge, transparency and power in business networks

    Olsen, P.I. (2011): “Knowledge, transparency and power in business networks”, The IMP Journal, 5(2), pp 94-106

  • Prenkert, Frans

    From new-product development to commercialization through networks

    Prenkert, Frans (2011). Commentary to "From new-product development to commercialization through networks". Journal of Business Research, Vol 65 (2), pp 207-209

  • Hoholm, T

    The Contrary Forces of innovation. An Ethnography of innovation in the Food Industry

    Hoholm, T. (2011): “The Contrary Forces of innovation. An Ethnography of innovation in the Food Industry”, Palgrave Macmillan

  • Hoholm, T. and Araujo, L

    Studying innovation processes in real-time: The promises and challenges of ethnography

    Hoholm, T. and Araujo, L. (2011) “Studying innovation processes in real-time: The promises and challenges of ethnography”, Industrial Marketing Management, 40 (6)


  • Prenkert, Frans

    Tracing the Roots of Activity Systems Theory: An Analysis of the Concept of Mediation

    Prenkert, Frans (2010). Tracing the Roots of Activity Systems Theory: An Analysis of the Concept of Mediation. Theory and Psychology, Vol 20 (5), pp 641-655

  • Olsen, P. I

    Norsk mat etter supermarkedsrevolusjonen

    Olsen, P. I. (2010): “Norsk mat etter supermarkedsrevolusjonen”, Oslo, Unipub Forlag


  • Prenkert, Frans og Sophie Cantillon

    Exploring using interfaces I: Use of science and technology in business

    Prenkert, Frans og Sophie Cantillon (2009). Exploring using interfaces I: Use of science and technology in business. Emerald Group Publishin Limited. ISBN 978-1-84855-474-0, pp 183-204.

  • Håkansson, Håkan, Frans Prenkert og Lars Huemer

    The Becoming of Cermaq: the interplay betwen network influences and firm level control ambition

    Håkansson, Håkan, Frans Prenkert og Lars Huemer (2009). The Becoming of Cermaq: the interplay betwen network influences and firm level control ambitions. The IMP Journal, Vol 3 (3), pp 53-75.

  • Prenkert, Frans og Debbie Harrison

    etwork strategising trajectories within a planned strategy process

    Prenkert, Frans og Debbie Harrison (2009). Network strategising trajectories within a planned strategy process. Industrial Marketing Management, Vol 36 (6), pp 662-670.


  • Hoholm, T

    Innovasjon som samspill mellom marked, teknologi og organisering

    Hoholm, T. (2007) “Innovasjon som samspill mellom marked, teknologi og organisering”, i Hernes, T.og Koefoed, A.L. (eds) Innovasjoners odyssè: Innovasjonsledelse fra idè til marked, Fagbokforlaget


  • Lervik, J. E. og Olsen, P. I

    Eierstyring, innovasjon og internasjonalisering i integrerte samvirkekonsern

    Lervik, J. E. og Olsen, P. I. (2006): ”Eierstyring, innovasjon og internasjonalisering i integrerte samvirkekonsern”, BI Research Report nr 1/2006


  • Hernes, T., Olsen, P.I. og Espelien, A

    Jordbruksvaresektorens muligheter i sjømatbasert næringsutvikling

    Hernes, T., Olsen, P.I. og Espelien, A. (2004): “Jordbruksvaresektorens muligheter i sjømatbasert næringsutvikling”, BI Research Report, nr 3/2004


  • Olsen, P. I.

    Næringsutvikling i norsk jordbruksvaresektor. Kommersialisering av teknologiske nisjer

    Olsen, P. I. (2003): ”Næringsutvikling i norsk jordbruksvaresektor. Kommersialisering av teknologiske nisjer”, BI Research Report, nr 13/2003


  • Gripsrud, G. og Olsen, P. I

    Perspektiver for norsk jordbruksvaresektor

    Gripsrud, G. og Olsen, P. I. (2002): ”Perspektiver for norsk jordbruksvaresektor”, BI Research Report nr 11/2002