The Centre has been actively engaged in arranging seminars and workshops for industry, society at large and for furthering the academic discourse on corporate responsibility. Wherever we can have useful synergies, we have partnered with other institutions both within BI and outside.
To receive e-mail notification about future seminars at BI Centre for Corporate Responsibility, please send an e-mail to
- 18–19.10.2019:
- 29.03.2019: (Fudan, Shanghai)
- 01.02.2019: (BI Trondheim)
- 12-13.10.2018: 7th International Conference on Social Responsibility – Ethics and Sustainable Business
- 24.05.2018:
- 16.05.2018: Breakfast seminar in partnership with Business for Peace: The Competitive Advantage of Collaboration
- 09.11.2017:
- 06.11.2017: Developing Sustainable Business in Africa: Specific Focus on Tanzania
- 31.10.2016: Business & Human Rights, Guest lecture by Professor Karin Buhmann, CBS.
- 10.03.2016: The Competitive Advantage of Collaboration - Guest Lecture by Professor David Sloan Wilson from Binghamton University.
- 23.02.2016: Open research seminar: "How to account for tax compliance"
- 04.02.2016: Profitable Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) - Good Examples.
- 05.10.2015: The Darwin Economy - Guest Lecture with Robert Frank
- 29.04.2015: Re-imagining a Fair Society and a Fair Business
- 17.03.2015: Hva har Gro Harlem Brundtland lært om ledelse? (Fordrer påmelding - Only in 黑料专区)
- 02.03.2015: Miniseminar om Impact Investment, i samarbeid med UD, Norad og The Inter-American Development Bank
- 20.10.2014: Seminar: Microwave radiation
- 10-11.08.2014: TBLI CONFERENCE - Nordic 2014
- 27.01.2014: "Energiewende" - German experience and Nordic implications (in collaberation with Center for Energy and Environment and Kraftbøresen Nord Pool Spot)
- 28.01.2014: ESG/TBL Investments: Where Do We Stand Today?