- Andersen, Svein S, Andreas Goldthau and Nick Sitter. 2016. “The EU Regulatory State, Commission Leadership and External Energy Governance.” In EU Leadership in Energy and Environmental Governance: Global and Local Challenges and Responses, edited by J. Godzimirski. Palgrave Macmillan
- Sitter, Nick. 2016. “EUs konkurranserett og –politikk” [EU competitions law and policy]. In Moderne forretningsjus lll, edited by Tore Bråthen and Inge Unneberg. Fagbokforlaget
- Andersen, Svein S. and Nick Sitter. 2015. “Projecting the Regulatory State beyond the EU: Gas Markets and Energy Security.” In The European Union's Foreign Policy in Comparative Perspective: Evaluating and generating hypotheses on 'actorness and power’, edited by I. Peters. Routledge
- Eliassen, Kjell Arnold, Marit Sjøvaag-Marino and Pavlina Peneva. 2015. “The EU's climate and energy policy - A case study of the adoption of the climate change package in 2008.” In Science based activism. Festschrift to Jørgen Randers, edited by Per Espen Stoknes and Kjell A. Eliassen, 159-180. Fagbokforlaget
- Sitter, Nick. 2015. “Terrorisme og demorkati” [Terrorism and Democracy]. In Demokrati - historien og ideene, edited by Raino Malnes and Dag Einar Thorsen, 590-603. Dreyer Forlag
- Sitter, Nick. 2015. “What does EU Energy Policy Mean for the Climate.” In Science based activism. Festschrift to Jørgen Randers, edited by Per Espen Stoknes and Kjell A. Eliassen, 143-156. Fagbokforlaget
- Eliassen, Kjell Arnold and Agnes Àrnadóttir. 2014. “Southeast Asian and European integration compared.” In European Union and New Regionalism: Competing Regionalism and Global Governance in a Post-Hegemonic Era, 223-245. Ashgate
- Sitter, Nick. 2013. “The European Union, Energy Security and the Ukrainian October 2012 Election: Just another BRIC in the Wall?” In Ukraine at Crossroads: Prospects of Ukraine's Relations with the European Union and Hungary, 20-25. Budapest/Uzhgorod: Lira
- Sitter, Nick. 2013. “Ungarn.” In Politikk i Europa: Partier, regjeringsmakt, styreform, 2nd ed., edited by E. Bakke, E. Berntzen and K. Heidar, 341-354. Universitetsforlaget
- Sitter, Nick. 2012. “Høyreekstremisme i Ungarn – demokrati i krise?” In Høyreekstremism: Ideer og bevegelser i Europa, edited by Ø. Sørensen, B. Hagtvet and B. A. Steine, 285-319. Dreyer
- Sitter, Nick. 2012. “The Nordic Countries: The Causes and Consequences of Variable Geometry.” In European Disunion: Between Sovereignty and Solidarity, edited by J. Hayward and R. Wurzel, 267-283. Palgrave
- Sitter, Nick. 2012. “The Awkward Subject? The Study of European Union Politics in the UK and Ireland”, in Analyzing European Union Politics, edited by F.Bindi and K. A. Eliassen, 505-544. Societa Editrice ll Mulino
- Sitter, Nick. 2011. “Absolute Power? Hungary Twenty Years after the Fall of Communism.” in Twenty Years after the Fall of the Berlin Wall. Transitions, State Break-Up and Democratic Politics in Central Europe and Germany, edited by Elisabeth Bakke, 249-268. Intersentia
- Sitter, Nick. 2011. “A magyar pártszerkezet 2010-ban: polarizáltabb, kevésbé plurális” [The Hungarian Party System in 2010], in Ùj képlet: A 2010-es választások Magyarországon, edited by Z. Enyedi, A. Szabó and T. Tardos, 43-57. DKMKA
- Andersen, Svein S. and Nick Sitter. 2009. “The European Union Gas Market: Differentiated Integration and Fuzzy Liberalisation.” In Political economy of energy in Europe: forces of integration and fragmentation, 63-84. Berliner Wissenschafts-Verlag
- Eliassen, Kjell A. and Catherine Børve Arnesen. 2009. “Comparison Between European and Southeast Asian Integration.” In European Union and New Regionalism, edited by M. Telo. Ashgate
- Sitter, Nick. 2009. “To Structure Political Conflict: the Institutionalisation of Referendums on European Integration in the Nordic Countries” in Referendums and Representative Democracy: responsiveness, accountability and deliberation, edited by M. Setala and T. Schiller, 77-97. Routledge
- Sitter, Nick. 2008. “Ungarn.” In Politikk i Europa: Partier, regjeringsmakt, styreform, edited by E. Bakke, E. Berntzen and K. Heidar, 19. Universitetsforlaget
- Sitter, Nick. 2008. “The European Question and the 黑料专区 Party System since 1961: The freezing of modern cleavage or contingent opposition?” In Opposing Europe? The Comparative Party Politics of Euroscepticism, edited by P. Taggart and A. Szczerbiak. Oxford University Press
- Sitter, Nick and Agnes Batory. 2008. “Protectionism, Populism or Participation? Agrarian Party Strategy and the Contestation of European Union Membership', in The Comparative Party Politics of Euroscepticism, edited by P. Taggart & A. Szczerbiak. Oxford University Press
- Cincera, Patrizia and Nick Sitter. 2007. “EU competition policy and the transition to a more competitive communications industry.” In The Privatization of European Telecommunications, edited by K. A. Eliassen and J. From. Ashgate
- Rolland, Asle and Catherine B. Monsen. 2006. “Business Practice Models in 黑料专区 Webcasting” in Webcasting Business Models - a Cross- Cultural Framework, edited by Louisa Ha and Richard Ganahl. Lawrence Erlbaum Associates
- Sitter, Nick. 2006. “Gel du débat partisan ou opposition ponctuelle? La question européenne en Norvège.” In L’opinion européenneen, edited by D. Reynié. Fondation Robert Schuman
- Bakke, Elisabeth and Nick Sitter. 2006. “Østutvidelsen – Sentral-Europa, Baltikum og EU.” In Politisk utvikling i Sentral-Europa og Baltikum siden 1989, edited by E. Bakke, 225-247. Det Norske Samlaget
- Sitter, Nick. 2006. “Ungarn – stabilisering gjennom konkurranse.” In Politisk utvikling i Sentral-Europa og Baltikum siden 1989, edited by E. Bakke. Det Norske Samlaget
- Sitter, Nick and Rune J. Sørensen. 2006. “Fiscal Federalism and Political Competition in the enlarged European Union: the Old Man’s Burden?” In Europe’s Nascent State: Public Policy in the European Union, Essays in Honour of Kjell A. Eliassen, edited by J. From and Nick Sitter. Gyldendal Akademisk
- Eliassen, Kjell A., Mogens N. Pedersen and Ulrik Kjær. 2005. “The Geographical Dimension of Parliamentary Recruitment - Among Native Sons and Parachutists.” In Democratic Representation in Europe: Diversity, Change and Convergence, edited by H. Best and M. Cotta. Oxford University Press
- Sitter, Nick. 2005. “European Organisations: From Negotiated Design to Overlapping Competencies and Quasi-Membership.” In Handbook on Public Policy and Administration in the EU, edited by M. P. van der Hoek. Marcel Dekker
- Sitter, Nick and Kjell A. Eliassen. 2004. “The Quiet European: Norway’s Quasi-Membership of the European Union.” In La Grande Europe, edited by P. Magnette. Institut d'études européennes, Université de Bruxelles
- Eliassen, Kjell A. and Catherine B. Monsen. 2003. “Interest representation and Legitimacy in the European Union.” In Policymaking and Democracy, edited by S. Nagels. Lexington Books
- Eliassen, Kjell A. and Svein S. Andersen. 2003. “Lobbying in a World of Tentions.” In New Activism and the Corporate Response, edited by Steve John. London: Palgrave
- Eliassen, K. A., C. B. Monsen and Nick Sitter. 2003. “The Governance of Telecommunications in the European Union.” In EU Economic Governance and Globalization, edited by M. Campanella & S. Eijffinger. London: Edward Elgar
- Sitter, Nick. 2003. “Cleavages, Party Strategy and Party System Change in Europe East and West.” In Pan-European Perspective on Political Parties, edited by P. Lewis and P. Webb.
- Eliassen, Kjell Arnold. 2002. “Norway and European Integration”, in European Integration (Japanese), edited by T. Ueta.
- Sitter, Nick. 2002. “Ungarn – stabilisering gjennom konkurranse.” In Politisk utvikling i Sentral-Europa og Baltikum siden 1999, edited by E. Bakke. Det Norske
- Andersen, Svein S., Kjell A. Eliassen and Nick Sitter. 2001. “Formal processes : EU institutions and actors.” In Making policy in Europe, edited by Svein Andersen og Kjell Eliassen. London: Sage 2001
- Eliassen, Kjell A. and Catherine B. Monsen. 2001. “Comparison of European and South East Asian Integration.” In European Union and New Regionalism: Regional Actors and Global Governance in a Post-Hegemonic Era, edited by M .Telo, 111-134. Ashgate