
Centres, groups and other initiatives

Centre for European and Asian Studies (CEAS)

CEAS was founded on October 1st, 1988 by Professor Kjell A. Eliasssen and our publications include more than 20 books and numerous articles and research papers.


  • Andersen, Svein S, Andreas Goldthau and Nick Sitter. 2016. “The EU Regulatory State, Commission Leadership and External Energy Governance.” In EU Leadership in Energy and Environmental Governance: Global and Local Challenges and Responses, edited by J. Godzimirski. Palgrave Macmillan
  • Sitter, Nick. 2016. “EUs konkurranserett og –politikk” [EU competitions law and policy]. In Moderne forretningsjus lll, edited by Tore Bråthen and Inge Unneberg. Fagbokforlaget



  • Andersen, Svein S. and Nick Sitter. 2015. “Projecting the Regulatory State beyond the EU: Gas Markets and Energy Security.” In The European Union's Foreign Policy in Comparative Perspective: Evaluating and generating hypotheses on 'actorness and power’, edited by I. Peters. Routledge
  • Eliassen, Kjell Arnold, Marit Sjøvaag-Marino and Pavlina Peneva. 2015. “The EU's climate and energy policy - A case study of the adoption of the climate change package in 2008.” In Science based activism. Festschrift to Jørgen Randers, edited by Per Espen Stoknes and Kjell A. Eliassen, 159-180. Fagbokforlaget
  • Sitter, Nick. 2015. “Terrorisme og demorkati” [Terrorism and Democracy]. In Demokrati - historien og ideene, edited by Raino Malnes and Dag Einar Thorsen, 590-603. Dreyer Forlag
  • Sitter, Nick. 2015. “What does EU Energy Policy Mean for the Climate.” In Science based activism. Festschrift to Jørgen Randers, edited by Per Espen Stoknes and Kjell A. Eliassen, 143-156. Fagbokforlaget


  • Eliassen, Kjell Arnold and Agnes Àrnadóttir. 2014. “Southeast Asian and European integration compared.” In European Union and New Regionalism: Competing Regionalism and Global Governance in a Post-Hegemonic Era, 223-245. Ashgate



  • Sitter, Nick. 2013. “The European Union, Energy Security and the Ukrainian October 2012 Election: Just another BRIC in the Wall?” In Ukraine at Crossroads: Prospects of Ukraine's Relations with the European Union and Hungary, 20-25. Budapest/Uzhgorod: Lira
  • Sitter, Nick. 2013. “Ungarn.” In Politikk i Europa: Partier, regjeringsmakt, styreform, 2nd ed., edited by E. Bakke, E. Berntzen and K. Heidar, 341-354. Universitetsforlaget


  • Sitter, Nick. 2012. “Høyreekstremisme i Ungarn – demokrati i krise?” In Høyreekstremism: Ideer og bevegelser i Europa, edited by Ø. Sørensen, B. Hagtvet and B. A. Steine, 285-319. Dreyer
  • Sitter, Nick. 2012. “The Nordic Countries: The Causes and Consequences of Variable Geometry.” In European Disunion: Between Sovereignty and Solidarity, edited by J. Hayward and R. Wurzel, 267-283. Palgrave
  • Sitter, Nick. 2012. “The Awkward Subject? The Study of European Union Politics in the UK and Ireland”, in Analyzing European Union Politics, edited by F.Bindi and K. A. Eliassen, 505-544. Societa Editrice ll Mulino


  • Sitter, Nick. 2011. “Absolute Power? Hungary Twenty Years after the Fall of Communism.” in Twenty Years after the Fall of the Berlin Wall. Transitions, State Break-Up and Democratic Politics in Central Europe and Germany, edited by Elisabeth Bakke, 249-268. Intersentia
  • Sitter, Nick. 2011. “A magyar pártszerkezet 2010-ban: polarizáltabb, kevésbé plurális” [The Hungarian Party System in 2010], in Ùj képlet: A 2010-es választások Magyarországon, edited by Z. Enyedi, A. Szabó and T. Tardos, 43-57. DKMKA



  • Andersen, Svein S. and Nick Sitter. 2009. “The European Union Gas Market: Differentiated Integration and Fuzzy Liberalisation.” In Political economy of energy in Europe: forces of integration and fragmentation, 63-84. Berliner Wissenschafts-Verlag
  • Eliassen, Kjell A. and Catherine Børve Arnesen. 2009. “Comparison Between European and Southeast Asian Integration.” In European Union and New Regionalism, edited by M. Telo. Ashgate
  • Sitter, Nick. 2009. “To Structure Political Conflict: the Institutionalisation of Referendums on European Integration in the Nordic Countries” in Referendums and Representative Democracy: responsiveness, accountability and deliberation, edited by M. Setala and T. Schiller, 77-97. Routledge


  • Sitter, Nick. 2008. “Ungarn.” In Politikk i Europa: Partier, regjeringsmakt, styreform, edited by E. Bakke, E. Berntzen and K. Heidar, 19. Universitetsforlaget
  • Sitter, Nick. 2008. “The European Question and the 黑料专区 Party System since 1961: The freezing of modern cleavage or contingent opposition?” In Opposing Europe? The Comparative Party Politics of Euroscepticism, edited by P. Taggart and A. Szczerbiak. Oxford University Press
  • Sitter, Nick and Agnes Batory. 2008. “Protectionism, Populism or Participation? Agrarian Party Strategy and the Contestation of European Union Membership', in The Comparative Party Politics of Euroscepticism, edited by P. Taggart & A. Szczerbiak. Oxford University Press


  • Cincera, Patrizia and Nick Sitter. 2007. “EU competition policy and the transition to a more competitive communications industry.” In The Privatization of European Telecommunications, edited by K. A. Eliassen and J. From. Ashgate


  • Rolland, Asle and Catherine B. Monsen. 2006. “Business Practice Models in 黑料专区 Webcasting” in Webcasting Business Models - a Cross- Cultural Framework, edited by Louisa Ha and Richard Ganahl. Lawrence Erlbaum Associates
  • Sitter, Nick. 2006. “Gel du débat partisan ou opposition ponctuelle? La question européenne en Norvège.” In L’opinion européenneen, edited by D. Reynié. Fondation Robert Schuman
  • Bakke, Elisabeth and Nick Sitter. 2006. “Østutvidelsen – Sentral-Europa, Baltikum og EU.” In Politisk utvikling i Sentral-Europa og Baltikum siden 1989, edited by E. Bakke, 225-247. Det Norske Samlaget
  • Sitter, Nick. 2006. “Ungarn – stabilisering gjennom konkurranse.” In Politisk utvikling i Sentral-Europa og Baltikum siden 1989, edited by E. Bakke. Det Norske Samlaget
  • Sitter, Nick and Rune J. Sørensen. 2006. “Fiscal Federalism and Political Competition in the enlarged European Union: the Old Man’s Burden?” In Europe’s Nascent State: Public Policy in the European Union, Essays in Honour of Kjell A. Eliassen, edited by J. From and Nick Sitter. Gyldendal Akademisk


  • Eliassen, Kjell A., Mogens N. Pedersen and Ulrik Kjær. 2005. “The Geographical Dimension of Parliamentary Recruitment - Among Native Sons and Parachutists.” In Democratic Representation in Europe: Diversity, Change and Convergence, edited by H. Best and M. Cotta. Oxford University Press
  • Sitter, Nick. 2005. “European Organisations: From Negotiated Design to Overlapping Competencies and Quasi-Membership.” In Handbook on Public Policy and Administration in the EU, edited by M. P. van der Hoek. Marcel Dekker


  • Sitter, Nick and Kjell A. Eliassen. 2004. “The Quiet European: Norway’s Quasi-Membership of the European Union.” In La Grande Europe, edited by P. Magnette. Institut d'études européennes, Université de Bruxelles



  • Eliassen, Kjell A. and Catherine B. Monsen. 2003. “Interest representation and Legitimacy in the European Union.” In Policymaking and Democracy, edited by S. Nagels. Lexington Books
  • Eliassen, Kjell A. and Svein S. Andersen. 2003. “Lobbying in a World of Tentions.” In New Activism and the Corporate Response, edited by Steve John. London: Palgrave
  • Eliassen, K. A., C. B. Monsen and Nick Sitter. 2003. “The Governance of Telecommunications in the European Union.” In EU Economic Governance and Globalization, edited by M. Campanella & S. Eijffinger. London: Edward Elgar
  • Sitter, Nick. 2003. “Cleavages, Party Strategy and Party System Change in Europe East and West.” In Pan-European Perspective on Political Parties, edited by P. Lewis and P. Webb.


  • Eliassen, Kjell Arnold. 2002. “Norway and European Integration”, in European Integration (Japanese), edited by T. Ueta.
  • Sitter, Nick. 2002. “Ungarn – stabilisering gjennom konkurranse.” In Politisk utvikling i Sentral-Europa og Baltikum siden 1999, edited by E. Bakke. Det Norske


  • Andersen, Svein S., Kjell A. Eliassen and Nick Sitter. 2001. “Formal processes : EU institutions and actors.” In Making policy in Europe, edited by Svein Andersen og Kjell Eliassen. London: Sage 2001
  • Eliassen, Kjell A. and Catherine B. Monsen. 2001. “Comparison of European and South East Asian Integration.” In European Union and New Regionalism: Regional Actors and Global Governance in a Post-Hegemonic Era, edited by M .Telo, 111-134. Ashgate