Centre for European and Asian Studies (CEAS)
CEAS was founded on October 1st, 1988 by Professor Kjell A. Eliasssen and our publications include more than 20 books and numerous articles and research papers.
Sitter, Nick and Tom Parker
The Four Horsemen of Terrorism – It’s not Waves, It’s Strains
in Terrorism and Political Violence, 2016.
Andersen, Svein S. and Nick Sitter
Managing Heterogeneity in the EU: Using Gas Market Liberalisation to Explore the Changing Mechanisms of Intergovernmental Governance
in Journal of European Integration 37 (3): 319-334. 2015.
Bakke, Elisabeth and Nick Sitter
Where do parties go when they die? The fate of failed parties in the Czech Republic, Slovakia and Hungary 1992–2013
in East European Politics 31 (1): 1-22. 2015.
Sitter, Nick and Andreas Goldthau
Soft Power with a Hard Edge: EU Policy Tools and Energy Security
in Review of International Political Economy. 2015.
Goldthau, Andreas and Nick Sitter
A liberal actor in a realist world? The Commission and the external dimension of the single market for energy
in Journal of European Public Policy 21 (10): 1452-1472. 2014.
Bakke, Elisabeth and Nick Sitter
Why Do Parties Fail? Cleavages, Government Fatigue and Electoral Failure in the Czech Republic, Slovakia and Hungary 1992–2012
in East European Politics 29 (2): 208-225. 2013.
Kissane, Bill and Nick Sitter
Ideas in Conflict: The Nationalism Literature and the Comparative Study of Civil War
in Nationalism & Ethnic Politics 19 (1): 38-57. 2013.
Sitter, Nick and Tom Parker
Fighting Fire with Water: NGO and Counter-Terrorism Policy Tools
in Global Policy 5 (2): 159-168. 2013.
Andersen, S. S., E. Anker, D. V. Hanstad og Nick Sitter
Fra Motspiller til medspiller: EU og norsk profesjonell fotball 1995-2010
in Norsk Statsvitenskapelig Tidsskrift 28 (4): 2013-240. 2012.
Welle-Strand, Anne, Kristian Kjøllesdal and Nick Sitter
Assessing Microfinance: The Bosnia and Herzegovina Case
in Managing Global Transitions 8 (2): 145-166. 2010.
Kissane, Bill and Nick Sitter
National Identity and Constitutionalism in Europe: Introduction
in Nations and Nationalism 19(1): 1-5. 2010.
Kissane, Bill and Nick Sitter
The Marriage of State and Nation in European Constitutions
in Nations and Nationalism 19(1): 49-67. 2010.
Bale, Tim, C. Green-Pedersen, A. Krouwel, K. R. Luther, N. Sitter
If You Can’t Beat Them, Join Them: Explaining Social Democratic Responses to the Challenges from the Populist Radical Right in Western Europe
in Political Studies 58(3): 410-426. 2010.
Sitter, Nick
Making coalition politics work in a harsh climate
in British Politics Review 5(4). 2010.
Eliassen, Kjell A. and Johan From
Deregulation, privatisation and public service delivery: Universal service in telecommunications in Europe
in Policy & Society: Journal of public, foreign and global policy 27(3): 239-248. 2009.
Sitter, Nick
Europe and the 黑料专区 General Election of 14 September 2009
in EPERN Election Briefings, No.48, Sussex European Institute/The Royal Institute of International Affairs. 2009.
Henderson, Karen and Nick Sitter
Political Developmens in the EU Member States
in Journal of Common Market Studies, 46 (Annual Review): 183-213. 2008.
Henderson, Karen and Nick Sitter
Political Developments in the EU Member States
in Journal of Common Market Studies, 45 (Annual Review): 183-211. 2014.
Sitter, Nick and Agnes Batory
Europe and the Hungarian Elections of April 2006
in EPERN Election Briefings, No. 28, Sussex European Institute/The Royal Institute of International Affairs. 2006.
Sitter, Nick and Karen Henderson
Political Developments in the EU Member States
in Journal of Common Market Studies, 44 (Annual Review): 171-198. 2006.
Andersen, Svein S. and Nick Sitter
Differentiated Integration: What Is It and How Much Can the EU Accommodate?
in Journal of European Integration 28(4): 313-330. 2006.
Sitter, Nick
Norway’s Storting Election of September 2005: Back to the Left?
in West European Politics 29(3): 573-580. 2006.
Sitter, Nick
The 黑料专区 General Election of 12 September 2005
in EPERN Election Briefings, No. 20, Sussex European Institute/The Royal Institute of International Affairs. 2005.
Sitter, Nick and Bill Kissane
Civil Wars, Party Politics and the Consolidation of Regimes in Twentieth Century Europe
in Democratization 12(2): 1-19. 2005.
Bakke, Elisabeth and Nick Sitter
Patterns of Stability: Party Competition and Strategy in Central Europe since 1989
in Party Politics 11(2): 243-263. 2005.
Eliassen, Kjell A., Mogens N. Pedersen and Ulrik Kjær
Institutions matter – even in the long run: on Representation, Residence Requirements, and Parachutage in Norway and Denmark
in Tidsskrift for Samfunnsforsking, 2: 335-353. 2004.
Batory, Agnes and Nick Sitter
Cleavages, Competition, and Coalition-building: Agrarian Parties and the European Question in Western and Eastern Europe
in The European Journal of Political Research 43(3): 521-544. 2004.
Sitter, Nick
Euro-scepticism as Party Strategy: Persistence and Change in Party-Based Opposition to European Integration
in Austrian Journal of Political Science 32(3): 239-352. 2003.
Eliassen, Kjell A. and Nick Sitter
Ever Closer Co-operation? The Limits of the 黑料专区 Method of European Integration
in Scandinavian Political Studies 26(2): 125-144. 2003.
Sitter, Nick
Cleavages, Party Strategy and Party System Change in Europe East and West
in Perspectives on European Politics and Society 3(3): 425-451.
Sitter, Nick
When is a Party System? A Systems Perspective on the Development of Competitive Party Systems in East Central Europe
in Central European Political Science Review 3(7): 67-97. 2002.
Sitter, Nick
The Politics of Opposition and European Integration in Scandinavia: Is Euro-scepticism a Government-Opposition Dynamic?
in West European Politics 24(1): 22-39. 2001.
Sitter, Nick
Beyond Class vs. Nation: Cleavage Structures and Party Competition in East Central Europe
in Central European Political Science Review 2(3): 67-91. 2001.