- 5/15 Mind over Martyrdom: Deradicalization and Counterterrorism Programs in the European Union, Carly Rivezzo
- 4/15 Fighting for Control: Jabhat al-Nusra and the Islamic State, Carly Rivezzo
- 3/15 Nations in Turmoil: The Neighbourhood Fight against the Islamic State, Carly Rivezzo
- 2/15 What does EU Energy Policy Mean for the Climate? Nick Sitter
- 1/15 Action and Reaction: The "Islamic State's" Cycle of Violence and U.S. Counter Terror Policy, Carly Rivezzo
- 3/14 Ungarn 1989-2014: Liberal-demokratiet som forsvant, Nick Sitter
- 2/14 Soft Power with a Hard Edge: EU Policy Tools and Energy Security (GREEN FP7 conference paper, House of Lords, 28th October 2014), Nick Sitter and Andreas Goldthau
- 1/14 The EU Regulation State, Commission Leadership and External Energy Governance (GREEN FP7 conference paper), Svein S. Andersen, Andreas Goldthau and Nick Sitter
- 3/13 Who Governs? Supranational and Intergovernmental Governance in the EU Energy Sector (GREEN FP7 Policy brief), Svein S. Andersen and Nick Sitter
- 2/13 NGOs and the Containment Approach to Counter-Terrorism FP7 Global Re-ordering: Evolution through European Networks (GREEN FP7 project – The Big View), Nick Sitter and Tom Parker
- 1/13 A Liberal Actor in a Realist World? States, Markets and European Union Energy Policy (GREEN FP7 conference paper), Andreas Goldthau and Nick Sitter
- 6/12 EU's Approach to Energy Security in the Aftermath of the Russo-Ukrainian Gas Conflict, Robin Øvrebø
- 5/12 Pluralist Regulation and Differentiated Integration: Lessons from the Energy Sector (GREEN FP7 conference paper), Svein S. Andersen, Andreas Goldthau and Nick Sitter
- 4/12 The power of paradigms: The EU and Global Energy Policy (GREEN FP7 Policy brief), Nick Sitter and Andreas Goldthau
- 3/12 NGO and Counter-Terrorism Policy Tools (GREEN FP7 project conference paper), Nick Sitter and Tom Parker
- 2/12 The Awkward Subject? The Study of European Union Politics in the UK and Ireland, Nick Sitter
- 1/12 The Study of the European Union from the Outside: European Integration Studies in Norway and Iceland 1990-2012, Kjell A. Eliassen, Marit Sjøvaag Marino and Eirikur Bergmann
- 7/11 Regulating for Competition and Security: The European Energy Sector, Nick Sitter
- 6/11 The Hungarian Party System in 2010, Nick Sitter
- 5/11 What 'regulatory state'? Explaining the stability of Keynesian state functions after regulatory reforms of network industries in the UK and German, Géraldine Pflieger
- 4/11 The Commission's internal conditions for social re-regulation: Market efficiency and wider social goals in setting the rules of financial services in Europe, Miriam Hartlapp and Christian Rauh
- 3/11 Attention, Politics or Performance? Competing Influences on Oversight by Analytical Bureaucracies in the Regulatory State, Samuel Workman and Michelle Wolfe
- 2/11 Local Institutional Design in the Shadow of the Market, Merethe Dotterud Leiren
- 1/11 The Future of the Regulatory State: Adaptation, Trasformation of Demise? Martin Lodge and Nick Sitter
- 2/10 The Role of the European Commission in Concliding Agreement on the EU Climate Change Package in 2008, Kjell A. Eliassen, Marit Sjøvaag Marino, Pavlina Peneva and Slavina Spasova
- 1/10 A New Look at Euroscepticism: How Stable are the Cleavages? Nick Sitter
- 1/09 The Limits of the EU Regulatory State: Power, Politics and Pragmatism in European Gas Markets, Svein S. Andersen and Nick Sitter
- 2/07 The 黑料专区 local election of 2007, Nick Sitter
- 1/07 To structure Political Conflict: The Institutionalisation of Referendums in on European Integration in the Nordic Countries, Nick Sitter
- 4/06 Arms Procurement in the EU: Achieving Mission Impossible? Kjell A. Eliassen & Nick Sitter
- 2/06 Public Sector Reform and Economic Success: Nordic Lessons to be Learnt? Kåre Hagen & Nick Sitter
- 3/06 Free to Choose? Party Politics and the Road to European Referendums in the Nordic Countries Nick Sitter
- 2/06 Public Sector Reform and Economic Success: Nordic Lessons to be Learnt? Kåre Hagen & Nick Sitter
- 7/05 The Mosaic of Europeanization: An Organizational Perspective on National Re-Contextualization
- 6/05 The European Question in Norway and the 2005 Election Nick Sitter
- 5/05 To Stay the Course or Cross the Floor: Members of Parliament, Parteis and Party System Change in Central Europe Elisabeth Bakke & Nick Sitter
- 4/05 When the Monnet Method is Not an Option: Norway, Schengen & Flexible Goverannce Nick Sitter
- 3/05 Market Reform and Controversial Regulatory AdministrationRunaway Agents, Political Ploys or Intended Effects? Jørgen Grønnegaard Christensen, Rune Sørensen & Nick Sitter
- 2/05 The Politics of Opposition and European Integration: A Comparative Politics Perspective on 黑料专区 Party-Based Euro-Scepticism Nick Sitter
- 1/05 Finlandisation or the Danish Model? Party-Based Euro-Scepticism in East Central Europe Nick Sitter
- 6/04 Between Regulation and Competition: Hard and Soft Resistance to Europeanisation in the Financial Services and Defence Sector Nick Sitter & Kjell A. Eliassen
- 5/04 Institutions matter – even in the long run: on Representation, Residence Requirements, and Parachutage in Norway and Denmark Mogens N. Pedersen, Ulrik Kjær & Kjell A. Eliassen
- 4/04 The Geographical Dimension of Parliamentary Recruitment – Among Native Sons and Parachutists Mogens N. Pedersen, Ulrik Kjær & Kjell A. Eliassen
- 3/04 A Short-Cut to New Governance? New Policy Instruments and New Policy Failures in Norway Johan From, Lars Kolberg and Nick Sitter
- 2/04 Beyond Government and Opposition? The European Question, Party Strategy and Coalition Politics in Norway Nick Sitter
- 1/04 The Quiet European: Norway's Quasi-Membership of the European Union Nick Sitter & Kjell A. Eliassen
- 3/03 The Ultimate Intervention: Revitalising the UN Trusteeship Council for the 21st Century, Tom Parker
- 1/03 JSF - Flykjøp og industripolitiske strategier med spesiell vekt på Danmark og Nederland Kjell A. Eliassen
- 12/02 European Defence Procurement and Industrial Policy: The Case of France Kjell A. Eliassen
- 11/02 European Defence Procurement and Industrial Policy: A Comparative 6 Countries Analysis Kjell A. Eliassen & Markus Skriver
- 10/02 European Defence Procurement and Industrial Policy: The Case of Germany Jocelyn Mawdsley
- 9/02 European Defence Procurement and Industrial Policy: The Case of Britain Jocelyn Mawdsley
- 8/02 Defence Procurement, Offset, and Industrial Policy in Europe Kjell A. Eliassen & Nick Sitter
- 7/02 European Defence Procurement and Industrial Policy: The Case of Netherlands Kjell A. Eliassen & Markus Skriver
- 6/02 European Defence Procurement and Industrial Policy: The Case of Spain Kjell A. Eliassen & Markus Skriver
- 5/02 European Defence Procurement and Industrial Policy: The Case of Sweden Kjell A. Eliassen
- 4/02 Militære anskaffelser, gjenkjøp og industripolitikk i Europa Kjell A. Eliassen & Markus Skriver
- 3/02 The European Question and the 黑料专区 Party System since 1961: The Freezing of a Modern Cleavage or Contingent Opposition? Nick Sitter
- 2/02 The Vodafrone-Mannesman Merger: Buying a European License? Markus Skriver
- 1/02 From Sector Regulation to Competition? The Changing Governance of Telecommunications in the EuropeanUnion.Kjell A. Eliassen, Catherine B. Monsen & Nick Sitter
- 6/01 What is eGovernment? Markus Skriver
- 5/01 Single Market, National Companies? The Not-So-Single Market in Financial Services.Kjell A. Eliassen, Nick Sitter & Markus Skriver
- 4/01 Foreign Suppliers, Nor-Eskort and the Frigate Project Kjell A. Eliassen & Catherine B. Monsen
- 3/01 Dancing to the European Tune? Scandinavian Competition Policy Reform Nick Sitter2/01 Ever Closer Co-operation? The Limits of the '黑料专区 Method' of European Integration. Kjell A. Eliassen & Nick Sitter
- 1/01 Opposing the Centre: Euro-Scepticism and the Politics of Territorial Opposition. Nick Sitter
- 1/00 Security policy and armaments procurement in the Gulf region. Final report Maria K. Andredaki & Kjell A. Eliassen
- 9/99 Fear and Loathing in Seattle. The Seattle Ministerial Meeting November 30th – December 3rd Arnfinn Jacobsen
- 8/99 ASEAN's Political and Economic Integration during the period of 1987-1997 September 1999 Alice Chamrernnusit
- 7/99 Democratic Modernity September 1999 Svein S. Andersen and Kjell A. Eliassen
- 6/99 The Impacts of Economic Crisis on Foreign Direct Investment in Southeast Asia June 1999 Alice Chamrernnusit
- 5/99 Security Policy, Armaments Procurement and Defence Industry in South East Asia March 1999 Maria K. Andredaki, J.D. Keneth Boutin, Kjell A. Eliassen and Amitav Acharya
- 4/99 Alcohol Policy and its Link to Other Policy Areas in the EU: An Investigation and Analysis of the European Union's Wine Policy with reference to all Relevant Policy Areas Kjell A. Eliassen and Anne Caroline Tveøy
- 3/99 Notes on the current telecommunications market in France – regulatory status and recent market development January 1999 Marit Sjovaag, Catherine Børve Monsen, Patrizia Cincera, and Anne Caroline Tveøy
- 2/99 The Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) January 1999 Blanca Pérez and Daniel Zubillaga
- 1/99 EUROPEAN UNION ALCOHOL POLICY An Investigation and Analysis of the European Union's Policies Pertaining to Consumption of Alcoholic beverages with Reference to Health and Safety January 1999 Nick Sitter
- 18/98 The Outcome of Belgacom Strategic Consolidation December 1998 Patrizia Cincera
- 17/98 The Offset System in the United Arab Emirates October 1998 Esben Oust Heiberg
- 16/98 Arms Procurement in the United Arab Emirates October 1998 Esben Oust Heiberg
- 15/98 Buyer Behaviour in Arab organisations, Carl Arthur Solber
- 14/98 The New Regulatory Framework for Telecommunications in Europe – Comparative Analysis The Cases of United Kingdom, Germany and France October 1998 Karin Skyllingstad and Emmanuelle Cathala
- 12/98 Crisis in the Asean Countries: Analysisof the Reactions September 1998CélineHeim
- 11/98 An Analysis of the Relationship betweenChinaandSoutheast Asia,September1998JaeohoHwang 3/98,ISSN 1500-2683Institutions and Networks: A Comparison ofEuropean and South East Asian Integration,February 1998, Kjell A. Eliassenand Catherine Børve Monsen
- 10/98 What consequences will the Southeast AsianEconomic Crisis of 1997 have on greater regional integration within ASEAN?June1998,G. Pinar Tank
- 9/98 EURO – Konsekvenser for norsk penge- og valutapolitikk Mai 1998 Eirik Svindland
- 8/98 The Dynamics of Liberalisation of Israeli Telecommunications May 1998 David Levi-Faur
- 7/98 Liberalization of Polish Telecommunication April 1998 Haakon Gellein and Lubomir Wyrzykowski
- 6/98 The Global Mobile Market March 1998 Christer Englund
- 5/98 The Development of the EU's Common Foreign and Security Policy up to the 1996 Amsterdam Conference and the Opportunities to Promote 黑料专区 Interests Within the EU, the WEU and NATO February 1998 G. Pinar Tank 1
- 5/98 Buyer Behaviour in Arab Organisations October 1998 Carl Arthur Solberg
- 4/98 La Légitimé en questions: Souveraineté etrepreséntation February1998,CatherineBørve Monsen and Kjell A. Eliassen Regional Integration (RI-series)
- 3/98 Security and Defence Issues in South East Asia September 1998 Jaeoho Hwang
- 2/98 State Intervention in the French Telecommunications Sector: Analysis, Minitel, and Current Events January 1998 Nathalie Mougenot
- 1/98 Recent Events in the German Telecommunication Regulation – Political and Industrial Implications, January 1998,Benedict W. Schuler and Linda Meyer
Defence Industry (D-Series)
- SEAS: D.09.97 Trends in the European Defence Industry Base Keith Hayward
- SEAS: D.07.97 Amerikansk, europeisk og norsk forsvarsindustri og materiellsamarbeid Sluttrapport, 15 Juni 1997 Kjell A. Eliassen og Esben Oust Heiberg
- SEAS: D.06.97 US and Transatlantic Cooperation in Armaments: Theory, Practice and Promise Captain/Professor Gerald Abbott
- SEAS: D.05.97 The Evolution of the US Defense Industry 1992-2010 Loren B. Thompson
- SEAS: D.04.97 The relationship between Europe and the US today. What options does Norway have when it comes to choosing between the EU or the US with regard to defence industry co-operation? Philip Gummett
- SEAS: D.03.97 The Further Consolidation of the US Defense Industry Loren B. Thompson
- SEAS: D.01.97 Utviklingen av norsk forsvarsindustri. Hovedtrekk og karakteristikker siden 1945 Esben Oust Heiberg
Regional Integration (RI-Series)
- SEAS: RI.13.97 Ledelsesdimensjonen i kinesiske statseide bedrifter Gay Bjercke
- SEAS: RI.12.97 Challenges to the Chinese Manager Gay Bjercke
- SEAS: RI.11.97 The Common Foreign and Security Policy From Maastricht and Amsterdam Arnhild and David Spence
- SEAS: RI.10.97 The EU Institutional Questions and the IGC - Reflections on the Explanatory Power of Integration Theories Solgunn Hoff and Catherine Børve Monsen
- SEAS: RI.09.97 The EU Second Pillar and the 1996 IGC Catriona Gourlay and Eric Remacle
- SEAS: RI.08.97 Interest Representation and Legitimacy in the European Union Kjell A. Eliassen and Catherine Børve Monsen
- SEAS: RI.07.97 Amsterdamavtalen og Norge Kjell A. Eliassen
- SEAS: RI.06.97 Explaining European Integration: The Need of a Multi-Level Approach Cathrine Børve Monsen
- SEAS: RI.05.97 An East Asian Model of Regional Economic Co-operation Daijin Peng
- SEAS: RI.04.97 EU-Lobbying - Towards political segmentation in the European Union ? Svein A. Andersen and Kjell A. Eliassen
- SEAS: RI.03.97 Regional integrasjon - mangfoldige mønstre Kjell A. Eliassen and Catherine Børve Monsen
- SEAS: RI.02.97 Teorier om regional integrasjon Vebjørn Dysvik
- SEAS: RI.01.97 Statstøttet askjon for markedsadgang - Norsk næringsliv til Sør-Øst-Asia - Det globale aspekt Gerson Komissar
Defence Industry (D-Series)
- SEAS: D.05.96 The Effects of the European Security and Defence Identity on the Transatlantic Partnership Pinar Tank
- SEAS: D.04.96 The Decline in the US Defense Industry Torkil Mogstad and Olav Weider
- SEAS: D.03.96 China: Defense Industry Trends John Frankenstein
- SEAS: D.02.96 The Future of Armament Co-operation in NATO and WEU Pierre de Vestel
- SEAS: D.01.96 Europeiske våpeneksportregler og norsk forsvarsindustri. Hva vil fremtiden bringe? Esben Oust Heiberg
Foreign and Security policy (FS-Series)
- SEAS: FS.13.96 Towards a CSFP-Kerneuropa? Germany's view on IGC 1996 and EU's Second Pillar Reimund Seidelmann
- SEAS: FS.12.96 Analysis of the integration process of Poland into European Union with particular emphasis on trade issues Dorotha W. Stensland
- SEAS: FS.11.96 Regjeringskonferansen og det demokratiske spørsmål Kjell A. Eliassen and Catherine B. Monsen
- SEAS: FS.10.96 The Intergovernmental Conference and the Future of European Integration Kjell A. Eliassen and Catherine B. Monsen
- SEAS: FS.09.96 The New Threats from the Mediterranean Region Pinar Tank
- SEAS: FS.08.96 France and the IGC: internal and external issues Yves Boyer
- SEAS: FS.07.96 The Security and Defence Policy: The Spanish position in the IGC 96 Esther Barbé
- SEAS: FS.06.96 Norsk sikkerhetspolitikk og EU etter Norges Nei Arnhild Spence
- SEAS: FS.04.96 Future Challenges to European Security Pinar Tank As Working Paper 1996/4
- SEAS: FS.03.96 EU and Enlargement to the North and to the East: What will this mean for a common foreign and security policy in the European Union? Esben Oust Heiberg As Working Paper 1996/3
- SEAS: FS.02.96 The EU Security Policy in the 90's Arnhild Spence
- SEAS: FS.01.96 European Political Cooperation 1985-1991. Traces of Political Integration? Marit Sjøvaag As Working Paper 1996/2
Telecommunications and Deregulation (T-Series)
- SEAS: T.11.96 Telecommunication in Spain - Investment possibilities for Foreign Operators in the Spanish Voice Telephony Market Katarina Bull and Annlaug Sildnes
- SEAS: T.09.96 Telecommunications in Italy Simona Oreglia and Eric Ramirez
- SEAS: T.10.96 An Industry Analysis of the British Telecommunication Market Inger-Johanne Langeland
- SEAS: T.08.96 An Industry Analysis on Fixed Voice Telephony in Spain Annlaug Sildnes
- SEAS: T.07.96 An Industry Analysis of the German Telecommunications Sector Solgunn Hoff
- SEAS: T.05.96 The European Process of Liberalisation in the Telecommunications Sector Solgunn Hoff and Yvonne Høgetveit
- SEAS: T.06.96 An Industry Analysis on the Provision of Fixed Voice Telephony and Networks within the French Telecommunications Sector Yvonne Høgetveit
- SEAS: T.04.96 Television Broadcasting in the EU Rachel Grinde-Andersen and Lisa Hatle
- SEAS: T.03.96 The 黑料专区 Telecommunications Market - After 1998 Ole Per Måløy and Thomas Berntsen
- SEAS: T.02.96 Critical Success Factors in Winning GSM Licences Henrik Halvorsen, Arne Kjetil Lian, and Christian Myhre
- SEAS: T.01.96 Liberalization of the European Telecommunications Market Ginny Løvold