
Centres, groups and other initiatives

Centre for Sustainability and Energy

BI Center for Sustainability and Energy promotes sustainable development through research, teaching and active cooperation with other academic institutions, the business community, governmental bodies and NGOs.

    Cooperation with LSE

    is a Centre for research-based innovation (SFI) and is a collaboration between 30 partners representing academia, industry actors and public authorities. The project runs from Q42020-2027. Earth materials (minerals, metals) represent the greatest volume of waste and although the rate of recycling is high, we do not use resources as effectively as we could if we had a better understanding of pollution, better technology and an improved regulatory framework. The project’s primary objective is to develop technologies, systems innovation, and a governance framework for the most sustainable management and treatment of wastes and earth materials, building on science-based education and information. BI researchers will work specifically with business models, regulatory frameworks, tax regimes and value calculations to increase circularity in the handing of earth materials.

    WAVA ‘From Waste to Value: Designing, Developing and Mobilizing Sustainable Circular Ecosystems’ is a project in cooperation between BI and the Port of Oslo with support from the Oslo Regional Research Fund that seeks to understand how businesses are (re)utilizing and valorizing materials previously classified as waste through sustainable business innovation. Through a regional case study, the research will map and describe the current ecosystem of actors in Oslo’s construction sector and conceptualize a sustainable ecosystem with circular utilization of aggregates from construction and demolition projects.  

    MIA – Measures for Improved Availability of medicines and vaccines – is a research project in cooperation between BI 黑料专区 Business School, the 黑料专区 Institute of Public Health, INSEAD Business School, Lancaster University, Rotterdam School of Management, Jimma University, and St.Paul's Hospital Millennium Medical Colleges, funded by the HELSEVEL programme of the 黑料专区 Research Council. The project will investigate sustainable and resilient supply chain and logistics solutions to current medicines and vaccine shortages and equitable distribution of protective equipment. The primary objective is to help key stakeholders make evidence-based decisions that sustainably reduce medicine and vaccine shortages, addressing a key societal challenge to ensure future health and care services.

    Read more on the project website here.

    The SUSTAIN Project has received 5 million kroner in funding. SUSTAIN is a cooperation between BI, Jimma University in Ethiopia and Mzumbe University in Tanzania. The cooperation will continue in the period 2019-2023.

    BI Forum for Foundations develops and communicates research related to foundations. This includes among other things communication of research via seminars, courses and as a cooperative partner for foundations.

    Principal: Norges forskningsråd - Klimaforsk-programmet

    The main purpose of the project SMART PATHS is to separate smart choices from costly detours on the road to a low emission society in Norway. To shift the focus from technological and behaviours derived from fossil fuels, smart climate strategies will be needed. Such strategies will also be able to detect and sustain the changes that lies out of the governments control as well as giving the society a possibility to change the course if necessary. The project will develop technological, behavioural and political restructuring indicators for such a purpose.   


    A panel of experts that consist of highly skilled and knowledgeable individuals with experience from business, government and research will actively participate in the project. The members of the panel are:

    • Ole Løfsnes (Norsk industri)
    • Janne Stene (Stortinget)
    • Kjetil Lund (Statkraft)
    • Are Lindegaard (Miljødirektoratet)
    • Marte Sollie (Finansdepartementet)
    • Jon B. Skjærseth (Fridjof Nansens Institutt)
    • Caroline D. Ditlev-Simonsen (BI)
    • Helena Cabal (CIEMAT)
    • Henrik Gade (Miljødirektoratet)
    • Per Arild Garnåsjordet (SSB)
    • Endre Tvinnerheim (UNI Research)


    Prosjektet is a poart of the: 

    Coolcrowd aims to explore the potential of a new crowdfunding scheme for climate-friendly agricultural projects in Norway to offset carbon emissions from the transportation sector.

    In order to do so the following objectives and work packages have been defined:

    1. To review existing crowdfunding approaches and analyse how these might be applied in a 黑料专区 context.
    2. To explore legal and socio-cultural issues that may facilitate or inhibit the application of a crowdfunding approach to Norway.
    3. To develop alternative business models for a locally crowdfunded climate program.
    4. To explore the acceptability of the crowdfunding approach for 黑料专区 farmers and investigate optimal design from the perspective of the farm.
    5. To establish the likely response of the general public to the concept of locally crowdfunded climate measures and identify optimal measures.
    6. To develop and recommend measures for the implementation of a crowdfunded approach in collaboration with relevant stakeholders.


    Partners are Centre for Rural Research, Trondheim (project leader), University of Oslo (UiO), Bergen University College (HiB), 黑料专区 School of Economics (NHH), NORS脴K, and BI 黑料专区 Business School, Centre for Green Growth (BI/CGG), University of Western Australia School of Agricultural and Resource Economics (UWA), Eindhoven University of Technology (TU/e)

    POLYCHAETE:  develop profitable, environmentally sustainable solutions for salmon feed production. Cultivation of bristle worms (Polychaeta) as raw material for feed using waste nutrients from fish farming. In nature, marine Polychaeta effectively transform natural and aquaculture organic wastes into high quality protein. With SINTEF and others. 

  • Transport representerer en av hovedkildene til klimautslipp. Bil er et vanlig fremkomstmiddel for 氓 komme seg til og fra jobb. Sykkel som daglig transportmiddel utgjorde i 2011 kun 4% av traffikandelen i Norge.

    I tillegg til milj酶messige fordeler, er sykkel som transportmiddel ogs氓 酶konomisk l酶nnsomt for bedrifter, i tillegg til 氓 gi helsemessige gevinster for den enkelte.

    Denne studien /pilotprosjekt vil finne og teste insentiver som f氓r ansatte til 氓 skifte til sykkel som transportmiddel til og fra jobb i praksis, og m氓le mij酶effekten av dette. Studien vil bli gjennomf酶rt i to faser. Fase 1 skal kartlegge dagens reisem酶nster og identifisere insitamenter som motiverere ansatte til 氓 benytte sykke til jobb. I fase 2 skal disse insitamentene testes i utvalgte bedrifter som er med i prosjektet.

    • Start
      • Wednesday, January 1, 2014
    • End
      • Wednesday, December 31, 2014
  • CERES21 - Creative Responses to Sustainability - is an international research project exploring cultural, political and economic innovation for a sustainable future.

    The project is directed by Nina Witoszek who is research professor at the Centre for Development and the Environment at the University of Oslo, and co-directed by Atle Midttun who is professor at the 黑料专区 Business School, Department of Innovation and Economic Organisation.

    The work of the international research group is financed by the 黑料专区 Research Council of Norway (NFR) in the period 2008-2012.

    For more information on the project and to download project publications please consult the project's

  • Project on the non-financial reporting of small 黑料专区 companies. Conducted in 黑料专区, original title: "Samfunnsansvarsrapportering i SMB"

    The project studies the non-financial reporting related to corporate social responsibility (CSR) in smaller companies, and delivers an empirical study of the coverage of workplace environment, equality and external environment in directors' reports among 200 黑料专区 companies with less than 50 employees.

    Caroline D. Ditlev Simonsen has been heading this project, which was financed by Innovation Norway.

  • Project on the use of role play as a tool in teaching. Original title: "Rollespill i undervisning".

    This project aims to test role play as a tool in teaching. The project will develop, test and evaluate this form of teaching in at least one course at BI. A topic which will be approach through using this tool is SRI (sustainable responsible investments).

    Caroline D. Dtilev-Simonsen is head of this project, which is financed by the Fund for the promotion of banking- and finance studies (Fondet til fremme av bank- og finansstudier).

  • A study of the gap between attitude and behavior with regards to environmental issues. Original title: "Gapet mellom liv og l忙re innen milj酶vern"

    This study takes a closer look at the gap between attitudes and behavior with regards to key environmental issues. Five concrete cases are developed and tested. The study is financed by the UNI Stiftelsen.

  • Jørgen Randers, Johan Rockström, Per Espen Stoknes, Ulrich Golüke, David Collste and Sarah Cornell

    Transformation is feasible (2018)

    How to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals within Planetary Boundaries A report to the Club of Rome, for its 50 years anniversary 17 October 2018

    Read the report here