
EU Horizon 2020

University of Milano-Bicocca team

The Universit脿 degli Studi Milano-Bicocca contributes their background in sociology and their expertise in digital divides, social integration, and online participation.

The Milan team will primarily bolster our exploration of participation in the sharing economy.

Alberta Andreotti

Alberta Andreotti is Associate Professor in economic sociology at the University of Milan-Bicocca. She is Associate member of the program Cities are back in Town, Villes et Territoires, based at Sciences-Po, Paris; Member of the Comité de lecture de la collection des documents de travail du RT6 de l'Association Française de Sociologie; current RC21 Secretary and Treasurer (Research Committee in Urban and Regional Research: www.rc21.org). She is also member of the board of the Phd Program Urbeur – Urban Studies at the University of Milan-Bicocca.

Her research activities focused around three main axis: social networks, and social capital; welfare state with a particular interest for the local dimension; social change within cities and more recently sharing economy.

She has been involved in the scientific coordination of several comparative European projects (URBEX, TSFEPS, RTN-UrbEurope, Social Polis).

Marco Gui

Marco Gui is assistant professor in New Media Sociology at the Department of Sociology at the University of Milano-Bicocca. His major field of investigation concerns social and individual differences in use of the Internet. In particular he worked on the concept of "digital inequality" and the measurement of "digital skills".

He is member of the International Communication Association (ICA). He is also member of the board of the Phd Program Urbeur – Urban Studies -at the University of Milan-Bicocca.
He has been involved in European projects (EASY: A European Study to monitor e- learning development; Ps2share) and coordinated several national and local projects (for the Ministry of Economic Development, the company Fastweb S.p.A., a number of northern Italian regional administrations).

Guido Anselmi

Guido Anselmi is currently undertaking a Postdoc at Università degli studi Milano Bicocca and is 'Professore a Contratto' for the Digital Methods and Big Data course at the Università degli Studi di Milano. In the past he has worked as a researcher, in the p2p Value and Fablabnet European projects. He has also worked extensively, as a data analyst and programmer, for private companies in the social media analysis sector.

His research interests lie in two main areas: Urban Political Economy with a specific focus on economic governance of renewal, economic sociology of p2p initiatives, with a specific focus on governance and the interface between grassroots, market and the State.

Marina Micheli

Marina Micheli is Senior Researcher and Teaching Associate in the Internet Use & Society Division at Institute of Mass Communication and Media Research (IPMZ), University of Zurich since October 2016. Previously she has been a postdoctoral fellow at the Department of Sociology and Social Research of Milano-Bicocca University where she completed her PhD. Her research interests include digital inequality, social media, youth studies, media use and social research methods.

She is particularly interested in investigating the relationship between social stratification and young people’s digital media use. She has been involved in several research projects focusing on different dimensions of ICT use: such as students’ technology use at school and at home, Internet skills, children and teenagers use of mobile devices and social-networking sites, and media literacy.