
Centres, groups and other initiatives

The Nordic Alliance for Communication & Management

Leveraging communication as a strategic driver of sustainable organizational performance and success in a changing world.

Our partners

The Nordic Alliance for Communication and Management (#NORA) aims to leverage communication as a strategic driver of organizational performance and success in a changing world. Members strive for leveraging communication excellence through a close exchange on best practices paired with high-level scientific reflection from latest research.

Leading communication executives from renowned companies meet regularly with communication and management researchers from Norway, Finland, Sweden, and Denmark. We strive to jointly identify emerging trends and topics, develop new research-based knowledge, and shape the debate in the Nordic countries. Our meetings provide an inspiring and personal atmosphere to exchange ideas between academia and management practice on an equal footing. Virtual workshops and information bulletins help to share insights and experience.

#NORA, as the key think tank in the Nordic region, collaborates with similar initiatives across Europe, and globally. This helps to bring our perspectives into the international discourse.

New corporate and academic members are suggested and voted in by existing members. 

Associate Professor Alexander Buhmann, Director
E-mail: alexander.buhmann@bi.no



BI Business Review

Steering clear of our worst artificial intelligence nightmares

A giant leap for mankind, without doubt, but will artificial intelligence be a friend or foe? The trick may lie in better involving the public in scrutinizing AI’s problematic aspects.

BI Business Review

Hands off sociel media

Should companies try to hold the steering wheel in online discussions about corporate social responsibility? A new study shows that the reactions of stakeholders are more positive when they experience low levels of moderation.

BI Business Review

5 tips for working from home during the pandemic

The idea of home office usually sounds tempting for most of us, but the corona virus puts working from home to an extreme test. Establishing a good communication norm and re-clarifying roles are keys to success.

BI Business Review

Addressing the reputational risks of Artificial Intelligence

In a new paper we lay out the reputational risks related to algorithms and propose principles for addressing them.

BI Business Review

Why Freia is not Norway鈥檚 Most Reputable Company

Freia as a firm no longer exists. Rating it number 1 on a corporate reputation survey will not bring it back.

BI Business Review

Effective Internal Communication in the Digital Age

Computer-mediated communication is not a substitute for face-to-face communication in organizations.

BI Business Review

Social Top Leaders

Chief Executive Officer’s social media presence can be beneficial to organizations. However, not every top leader should be on social media.

BI Business Review

Successful Use of Technology in Communication

Prepare for the technology, but don’t let it drive your communication strategy. We present ten points to consider before engaging in new media.

BI Business Review

Dwindling trust in leaders

The trust we place in leaders, both in businesses and politics, is in free fall. How can trust be restored?

BI Business Review

How understanding the power of communication makes great leaders

Good communication and high performance go together and it is the responsibility of every leader to make sure good communication is a cornerstone of their organization.

BI Business Review

Nine Commandments of Excellent Communication

An excellent communication department is dependent on ambitious professionals working in influential departments in connected organisations.