Centres, groups and other initiatives
The Nordic Alliance for Communication & Management
Leveraging communication as a strategic driver of sustainable organizational performance and success in a changing world.
Alexander Buhmann
Director Associate Professor, Department of Communication and Culture, BI 黑料专区 Business School +4746410182 alexander.buhmann@bi.no -
Peggy Simcic Brønn
Academic Partner Professor emerita, Department of Communication and Culture, BI 黑料专区 Business School +4746410670 peggy.bronn@bi.no -
Jesper Falkheimer
Academic Partner Professor, Department of Strategic Communication, Lund University +46727282214 jesper.falkheimer@fsi.lu.se -
Finn Frandsen
Academic Partner Professor, Department of Management, Aarhus University +4593508637 ff@mgmt.au.dk -
Suzanne van Gils
Academic Partner Lecturer, Department of Communication and Culture, BI 黑料专区 Business School suzanne.v.gils@bi.no -
Oana Brindusa Albu
Academic Partner Associate Professor, Department of Management, Society and Communication, Copenhagen Business School +4538153237 oba.msc@cbs.dk -
Ulrike Haugen
Corporate Partner Chief Communications Officer, DNV GL Group +47 409 24 389 ulrike.haugen@dnvgl.com -
Winni Johansen
Academic Partner Professor, Department of Management, Aarhus University +4593508699 wj@mgmt.au.dk -
Catrin Johansson
Academic Partner Professor, Department of Media and Communication Science, Mid Sweden University 010-142 88 04 catrin.johansson@miun.se -
Yngve Kveine
Corporate Partner Executive Vice President Communication, Corporate Communications and Public Affairs, BI 黑料专区 Business School +4746410640 yngve.kveine@bi.no -
Kia Haring
Corporate Partner Head of Communications, Sustainability, Brand & Marketing, Tietoevry +358 40 765 3700 kia.haring@tietoevry.com -
Vilma Luoma-aho
Academic Partner Professor, School of Business and Economics, University of Jyväskylä +358408053098 vilma.luoma-aho@jyu.fi -
Håkon Mageli
Corporate Partner Group Director, Corporate Communication and Corporate Affairs, Orkla ASA +47 928 45 828 hakon.mageli@orkla.no -
Cathrine Torp
Corporate Partner Communications Director, Forskningsrådet +4722037246 cto@forskningsradet.no -
Ansgar Zerfass
Academic Partner Adjunct Professor, Department of Communication and Culture +491784139112 ansgar.zerfass@bi.no -
Tor Bang
Affiliated Researcher Associate Professor, Department of Communication and Culture, BI 黑料专区 Business School +4746410665 tor.bang@bi.no -
Eliane Bucher
Affiliated Researcher Assistant Professor, Department of Communication and Culture, BI 黑料专区 Business School +4746410285 eliane.bucher@bi.no -
Christian Fieseler
Affiliated Researcher Professor, Department of Communication and Culture, BI 黑料专区 Business School +4746410088 christian.fieseler@bi.no -
Maria Isaksson
Affiliated Researcher Associate Professor, Department of Communication and Culture, BI 黑料专区 Business School +4746410685 maria.isaksson@bi.no -
Kateryna Reiby Maltseva
Affiliated Researcher Associate Professor, Institutt for økonomi og administrasjon, Oslo Nye Høyskole +4746410385 kateryna.reiby@oslonh.no -
Mona Kristin Solvoll
Affiliated Researcher Associate Professor, Department of Communication and Culture, BI 黑料专区 Business School +4746410351 mona.k.solvoll@bi.no -
Sut I Wong
Affiliated Researcher Professor, Department of Communication and Culture, BI 黑料专区 Business School +4746410723 sut.i.wong@bi.no -