
Research Group

The Labour Law Research Group

The primary focus of the Labour Law Research Group is sustainable labour law research, as well as adequate teaching of a variety of labour law subjects within the BI portfolio.

The members of the group are currently working on projects including collective, individual and international labour law, as well as projects in the interface between labour law and other legal disciplines – such as business law and social law.

We are convinced that co-operation with other research centers is important to enhance growth and development. We therefore greatly appreciate out associates and colleagues in other scientific institutions. Currently the research group is a member of the Nordic project Arbetsrättsportalen, the National Network of Labour Law Teaching, and the Labour Law Research Network (LLRN).

Equally important to co-operation with other scholars and membership in various networks and organizations, is the ability to maintain the connection between research projects and practical life and to ensure that research projects reflects relevant practical labour law questions. We are therefore proud to say that our group also has members from different parts of the practical labour law field such as the courts and labour organizations.


Current members of the Labour Law Research Group:

  • Gina Bråthen, Associated Professor, Ph. D. 
  • Alexander Næss Skjønberg, Associated Professor, Ph. D.
  • Anette Grønnerød-Hemmingby, lecturer
  • Jan Fougner, Professor II, Ph. D.
  • Birthe Eriksen, Associated Professor II, PhD
  • Bjørn Eriksen, lecturer, Ph. D.

Associated members:

  • Tron Løkken Sundet, Vice Chairman, Labour Court of Norway
  • Eirik Hognestad, lawyer, NHO
  • Marit Frogner, Judge, Borgarting Court of Appeal