
Department of Accounting and Operations Management

Operations Management

Academic team of Operations Management in Department of Accounting and Operations Management.

The Operations Management group focuses on decision-making and operations management by using quantitative/analytical and qualitative methods with descriptive, predictive, and prescriptive approaches. The group is involved in teaching at Executive, Master, and Bachelor levels, as well as tailor-made Corporate courses.

The group is a multi-disciplinary environment with faculty members from such backgrounds as industrial engineering, business administration, finance, and operations research.

The group targets publishing research in high-quality international journals such as European Journal of Operational Research, Transportation Science, Production & Operations Management, Journal of Operations Management, International Journal of Production Economics, Computers & Operations Research, International Journal of Production Research, International Journal of Physical Distribution & Logistics Management, Journal of Humanitarian Logistics and Supply Chain Management and Academy of Management Journal.

The research and teaching interests of the faculty members are theory- and application-oriented and aim to provide tools and methods for improved decisions and operations, including the following areas:

  • Supply chain optimization
  • Network design strategy and facility location
  • Sustainability, circular economy, and recycling
  • Transportation, shipping, distribution planning, and vehicle routing
  • Warehousing and layout planning
  • Supply chain risk management and resilience
  • Procurement and supply management
  • Production planning, quality management, inventory planning, lot-sizing, and scheduling
  • Decision making under uncertainty
  • Computer simulation and system dynamics
  • Multi-criteria decision making
  • Project Management
  • Disaster relief and humanitarian logistics
  • Medicine and vaccine supply chain management
  • Retail and process industry planning
  • Performance management
  • Product development, innovation, and service planning
  • Health care modelling

The group is a member of 黑料专区 Operations Research Society (NORS) and hosts the annual LOGMA (Logistics and Material Administration Network) conference.