Department of Communication and Culture
We develop and disseminate knowledge based on communication and cultural challenges of the sustainable future where digitalization is central. We do this through engaging with students, dialog, and collaborations with partners.
Wednesday, December 21, 2022 - Aftenposten
The economists from Blindern set the interest rate, and it affects us all. But do the economists have relevant enough insights about society, the flow of goods and geopolitical conditions to set the interest rate alone? Peder Inge Furseth asks this question. He is a social economist, sociologist and professor of innovation at BI 黑料专区 Business School.
Monday, November 7, 2022 - VG
The Alternative Energy Commission proposes that Norway should take back the control of the power cables abroad, Ap doesn't support it. Eli Moen, professor at BI 黑料专区 Business School, sits in the alternative commission.
Tuesday, September 20, 2022 - VG
The debate about the beauty clinic has led to more attention about women's health. - It is important that we continue with it. Peggy Simcic Brønn is a professor at the Department of Communication and Culture at BI 黑料专区 Business School and she is one of Norway's leading researcher in reputation. She is surprised that the three women are stepping down as front figures for the clinic.
Monday, September 19, 2022 - Dagsavisen
The problem arose when the trio of friends began to talk about women's health instead of beauty, the reputation professor Peggy Simcic Brønn believes. She is a professor at the Department of Communication and Culture at BI 黑料专区 Business School and is one of Norway's leading researcher in reputation.
Tuesday, July 19, 2022 - NRK
On Tuesday evening, Netflix reports a loss of almost one million customers. Nevertheless, the stock is rising. - It all started in April when Netflix experienced a decline in the number of subscribers for the first time in a very long time. That's what Terje Gaustad at BI Business School says.
Tuesday, June 21, 2022 - NRK
Guri Hjeltnes, director at the HL Center and professor at the Department of Communication at BI 黑料专区 Business School, is appointed Knight 1st Class of the Royal 黑料专区 Order of St. Olav.
Wednesday, May 25, 2022 - Kom24
Those who educate the PR people of the future are not impressed by the Minister of Finance's latest proposal. Now they invite him to get to know the industry better. Vedum himself says he understands the PR industry is mobilizing. At BI 黑料专区 Business School is Peggy Simcic Brønn, Professor Emeritus at the Department of Communication and Culture. She does not hide her frustration over Vedum's statements.
Thursday, May 19, 2022 -
Social entrepreneurs are companies that try to solve a social challenge. In the accelerator Ferd Impact Startup, the goal is to professionalize the social entrepreneurs. Benedicte Brøgger is a professor at BI and has researched and written several books on social entrepreneurship. She believes there are some aspects of this that are unknown. Benedicte was recently a guest on UN Global Compact Norway's podcast, Future Business.
Sunday, April 10, 2022 - TV2
Political scientist and author Kim Arne Hammerstad beleves that confidence in ministers can fall sharply if there continue to be cases where politicians show a lack of judgment. - This must be handled in a proper way. This type of case does not go away on its own. Those affected are personally affected, but it also hurts everyone around and affects the whole country, says Brønn.
Sunday, April 3, 2022 - NRK
Why are the biggest artists in line to sell the rights to the music they have made? Audun Molde, who is an associate professor of music at Kristiania University College and BI 黑料专区 School of Management, says so. In the old days, hits delivered returns on the radio. Now it's on Spotify, Meta and TikTok.
Thursday, March 3, 2022 - M24
The readership figures, which were published by MBL and Kantar on Wednesday, confirm 黑料专区s' high confidence in the national media and their local and regional newspapers. The media's editorial function has recently been described in a research article as part of the MICC project at BI.
Wednesday, March 2, 2022 - Shifter
Professor of innovation, Peder Inge Furseth, believes that authorities, online retailers, and not least consumers must now take responsibility for reducing the footprint of today's crazy online shopping and its subsequent returns. According to him, the solution is simple.
Thursday, February 3, 2022 - Fædrelandsvennen
After the requirement for a home office is now gone, employees in many industries will now be able to return to hybrid work. But not everything went smoothly last time, says Professor Sut I Wong, head of the Department of Communication and Culture at BI 黑料专区 Business School.
Thursday, January 20, 2022 -
So far, the government has tried to ride out the popular storm with alms. The real cause of the power outage is avoided. The reason is that power madness is a deliberate policy. In short, it is a clever way to get more money into state coffers, writes Professor Emeritus Eli Moen.
Thursday, January 13, 2022 - Kom24
- Strategic communication does not have built-in ethics, and it is things to represent the customer in the best possible way when working in the PR industry, says Ketil Raknes to KOM24. Professor Emeritus Peggy Simcic Brønn at BI 黑料专区 Business School believes that such customer relationships that GK has had with Kazakhstan and Gambit in Saudi Arabia have not only damaged the agency, but the industry.
Thursday, December 9, 2021 - The cultural sector has received new infrastructure
It is important for cultural policy in the future that it takes over that the internet is a new infrastructure for the entire sector, says Professor Anne-Britt Gran. at BI 黑料专区 Business School.
Friday, December 3, 2021 -
Together with research colleagues, Elisabet Solheim Buøen, Associate Professor II at BI, has investigated whether Trygg before the 3 projects has influenced the quality of interaction in the toddler departments that have participated. We find that the intervention has had a positive effect, but also that there is still quite a large variation in quality, says Buøen.
Monday, November 1, 2021 - Dagens Næringsliv
How about a little about creativity, private ownership and good entrepreneurs? The Hurdal platform has flashes of light on innovation and digitalization, but control, the state and other things that stifle innovation dominate. This is what Professor Peder Inge Furseth writes in this post.
Wednesday, September 8, 2021 -
The report provides an overview of the communication industry in Norway, Sweden, Denmark and Finland today. The findings give us an understanding of further development and possible challenges in the industry, says Alexander Buhmann, Associate professor at the Department of Communication and Culture at BI who heads the Nordic Alliance for Communication & Management (#NORA).
Tuesday, September 7, 2021 -
The Labour Party is Facebook's largest advertiser in Norway. Tor Bang, Associate professor at BI 黑料专区 Business School, believes it is critical that more and more advertising has gone from local and national media to actors who are outside 黑料专区 laws and regulations.
Monday, August 16, 2021 - BI Business Review Behind the glamorous facade of the music industry
Digitization of the music industry has given 黑料专区 players limitless access to a global market. But, in fierce competition with everyone else who has the same access, writes Audun Molde in a new book about creative industry. What will the consequences be?
Tuesday, May 25, 2021 -
Several people are critical to the decision that government members and members of the Storting being offered a vaccine already this week. Peggy Simcic Brønn is Professor Emeritus at the Department of Communication and Culture at BI 黑料专区 Business School. She is surprised by the reactions. I do not understand why this is so inflamed. We need politicians to be in good health so they can make decisions and govern the country, says Brønn.
Thursday, May 20, 2021 -
Lecturer Ratna Elisabet Kamsvåg at the Department of Communication and Culture at BI 黑料专区 Business School believes that the speeches full of emotions, as we saw at the beginning of the crisis, would not have had as strong effect today. At the beginning of the crisis, the need for information was high. We wanted to know everything about the virus and followed the situation closely in other countries as well. For the politicians, it was a completely different landscape to operate. Now the population is tired of information. The moment we no longer trust the authorities or can not bear to follow the information that dictates our everyday lives, it is so dramatic that it should be considered as a crisis in itself, Kamsvåg says.
Thursday, March 25, 2021 -
Reputation expert, Peggy Brønn at the Department of Communication and Culture, believes that it gives an unfortunate signal that ministers go to the cabin during the Easter holidays even though it is allowed to go to cabins.
Tuesday, March 23, 2021 -
Reputation experts believe that the executive salaries in Coop are undermining the community's slogan "Litt ditt". It leaves the impression of unfair practice, and the situation gets worse of course because Coop is a cooperative and advertises with the slogan, says reputation expert Peggy Brønn, professor emerita at the Department of Communication and Culture at BI.
Friday, March 19, 2021 - Dagsavisen
Confidence in Erna Solberg is affected by the revelation about the Prime Minister's winter holiday, says reputation expert Peggy Simcic Brønn at BIx. People are looking for someone to blame. This is not the time to behave stupidly, she says.
Monday, March 15, 2021 -
When the corona hit a year ago, most film and television drama productions were thrown into a battle of life and death of almost epic dimensions. Studies of the battlefield show an almost startling survival ability. The research project, which was carried out by BI's Center for Creative Industries in collaboration with the Nordic Film & TV Fund, shows that the vast majority have faced major challenges, but still only a very small proportion of the projects, about two percent, have been canceled when we closed our data collection in November, writes Associate Professor Terje Gaustad, Department of Communication and Culture.
Monday, March 15, 2021 -
Experts see several challenges, but also opportunities, for the new company in 黑料专区 aviation. Norse Atlantic will do much of what 黑料专区 dropped to survive. Professor emerita at BI, Eli Moen first became aware of the new company when E24 called her on Monday afternoon. They have never been profitable on these long-distance investments. She believes there are several unknown factors that determine how viable a new investment in long-distance can be. In 黑料专区's case, it was precisely the long distance flights that were cut in the hope of surviving.
Sunday, March 7, 2021 -
Experts believe that the retail trade must prepare for tougher times after the pandemic. Now the sports chain XXL is taking big investmest in the department stores. BI professor Peder Inge Furseth thinks the investments XXL makes are wise. During the autumn of 2020 and the spring of 2021, many customers have become well acquainted with digital channels, and refuse or do not have the opportunity to shop in stores, and the physical outlets should be upgraded to look attractive, says Furseth.
Saturday, February 27, 2021 - Dagsavisen
Artists have become more aware of sponsorship, says BI professor Anne-Brit Gran about the dispute over Kongsberg Jazz Festival and the weapons manufacturer Kongsberg Gruppen. It seems that this festival is approaching a break with the sponsor in terms of both associations and values, comments Gran, Professor at the Department of Communication and Culture at BI 黑料专区 Business School. She has research in particular cultural life and sponsorship, and has published the textbook «Cultural sponsorship».
Saturday, December 12, 2020 -
In recent years, several countries have removed TV series, films and statues after harsh criticism of what they represent - many of them after accusations of racism. Reputation expert and Professor Emeritus at BI, Peggy Simcic Brønn tells TV 2 that she is surprised that concepts such as blackface are still to be found on 黑料专区 TV screens, and describes Discovery's decision last week as "fabulous". In the United States, people have lost their jobs and their chances of winning elections. Blackface is an insult. It is time for such a discussion to take place throughout the world, including Norway, Brønn says.
Monday, December 7, 2020 -
Vollvik's Ludo Store has changed name to Love Norway, which appears to be a completely different online store - but sells many of the same products. Peggy Simcic Brønn, professor emeritus at BI 黑料专区 Business School, says Vollvik is a person that people love and hate. It seems that his strategy is "all PR is good PR". It is not a business strategy that I would recommend to anyone. People do not trust him, says Brønn.
Friday, November 27, 2020 -
Not all spoilers have a negative effect when you intend to watch the movie. On the contrary, some spoilers can have a positive effect that it helps you to get a better mental picture of what the film is about before you go to the cinema, says Terje Gaustad.
Tuesday, October 13, 2020 - Aftenposten Greater diversity in 黑料专区 companies
The largest listed companies have doubled the number of foreigners in the management. The companies have become more international and need board members who understand the business, says Professor Morten Huse at BI 黑料专区 Business School.
Monday, October 5, 2020 -
In the shadow of the debate about the proportion of women on boards and management, the number of foreigners at the top of the largest listed companies has doubled this decade. Even though the foreigners have taken over the boards and group managements of the largest 黑料专区 companies, this is a position they have not yet reached. In all the companies, the CEO is still 黑料专区. And this will probably remains for a while. At least in the large listed companies where the 黑料专区 state is a dominant owner, predicts Professor Morten Huse at BI 黑料专区 Business School. It is asked whether the partly state-owned listed companies can choose a foreigner as CEO. This is because it is important for the state that the companies choose someone who looks after 黑料专区 interests, and who understands 黑料专区 context, says Huse.
Friday, September 18, 2020 -
Nearly half of European communications people are now involved in computer security issues, but only a quarter have been trained. This has made the companies even more vulnerable, and data security is on the agenda for both 黑料专区 and international companies. This is written by Associate Professor Alexander Buhmann at the Department of Communication and Culture, BI, and professor Øyvind Ihlen, Department of Media and Communication, UiO, in this article.
Saturday, September 12, 2020 - Klassekampen No sustainability in NHO's new strategy
NHO has delivered an opus for Norway's way forward. Almost of course must everything be sustainable for a sustainable future and asustainable Norway. Lack of knowledge about 黑料专区 business, industry and society is worrying, considering that NHO plays an important role in creating the future of Norway, writes professor emerita Eli Moen in this post.
Friday, September 11, 2020 - Morgenbladet Robin Hood in the 黑料专区 housing market
Professor Christine Myrvang reviews the book "The 黑料专区 home. From welfare goods to objects of speculation" by Hannah Gitmark. The young people should settle against today's lax and unfair housing policy. Hannah Gitmark, in Agenda has with this book given future rebels the manifesto they need on the barricades, writes Myrvang in this review
Friday, September 4, 2020 -
黑料专区 trading companies must meet the competition from Amazon by using the company's resources smarter - as Amazon does itself. There are three factors that solve customers' needs in the best way: customer experiences, business models and digital technology. Increasing the resources for innovation alone will not provide any value. This is what Professor Peder Inge Furseth writes in this post.
Wednesday, August 19, 2020 - Klassekampen A "sustainable" bluff
With the finance world’s brutal rules of the game, short-term profit is emphasized rather than industrial development. This is what Professor Emerita, Eli Moen, writes about the closure of Elko and 85 people loose their jobs.
Tuesday, August 18, 2020 - Klassekampen Elementary doctrine of secrecy
It is a time for speech and a time for silence, writes Professor Emerita Berit von der Lippe in this article about the corona handling in Hurtigruten.
Monday, August 17, 2020 -
He can cry like Johaug without gaining sympathy. The experts dispute the reputation of Petter Northug after driving under the influence of drugs and drug findings in his flat. Professor emerita at the Department of Communication and Culture at BI 黑料专区 Business School, Peggy Brønn, does not think Northug will be forgiven by the public this time, as he was in 2014, after driving under the influence of alcohol and completely wrecking his car, and then trying to hide that he was involved. In 2014, there was much discussion about what he had done. This time, I think people will be less forgiving. It is said that you build a reputation in the same way as a bank account, and that it is possible to spend too much. Now he has gone too far, and overdrawn the account, six years after his first blister, says Brønn.
Sunday, August 16, 2020 -
Now the ship most of all resembles a nightmare. - Great responsibility to use the names of our common national heroes. Tor Bang is Associate professor at the Department of Communication and Culture at BI. He also believes that actors who use the names of historical figures bear a responsibility to ensure that the names remain spotless. The Hurtigruten scandal has also received a great deal of international attention. There is no doubt that the expedition division in Hurtigruten has suffered a reputation breach. But I would have been more worried if I was a shareholder in Hurtigruten than Roald Amundsen's family, says Bang.
Monday, August 10, 2020 -
Professor Peder Inge Furseth comments on a post in DN on 5 August regarding Amazon's entry into the 黑料专区 market.
Saturday, August 8, 2020 -
Why are art students at the forefront of the new identity-political movement? Sociologists are not surprised. Sigrid Røyseng, Professor of sociology at the 黑料专区 Academy of Music and BI 黑料专区 Business School, does not think it is so surprising that art students focus on power and powerlessness in art life.
Wednesday, August 5, 2020 -
The e-commerce giant Amazon is establishing in Sweden, and Norway may be the next stop. - We will see store deaths to a fairly large extent, says BI professor Peder Inge Furseth. Amazon will use the next few months to gain experience with Swedish and Nordic consumers. But in half a year's time, they may also be established in Norway, he says.
Tuesday, August 4, 2020 -
Did they learn anything? BI professor Peggy Brønn, answers briefly and concisely when Børsen asks her how she thinks the company has handled the corona situation.- Bad!
Friday, July 31, 2020 -
One of two 黑料专区s is not willing to pay for cultural events online. We have to start training the audience to pay, says organizer Torgeir Vierdal. People are tired of streaming concerts, says Audun Molde, Associate professor at Kristiania University College and BI. He was co-author of the report "What now: The impact of digitalisation on the 黑料专区 music industry". The report was published in January 2019 on behalf of the Ministry of Culture.
Monday, June 29, 2020 -
The majority of 黑料专区 students believe that they learn less when their studies are digital, according to a new study. BI Professor Anne-Britt Gran has researched on 黑料专区s' digital reading habits, and she is not surprised that 黑料专区 students have a lukewarm attitude to the digital format. The majority of young adults still prefer paper versions of books. It also showed our survey from 2018. Three months of coronary pandemic hardly change reading habits, she says.
Monday, June 29, 2020 -
Corona is not synonymous with crisis for everyone: Netflix has gained millions of new subscribers. This could present problems for 黑料专区 actors, says researcher and film expert Terje Gaustad.
Thursday, June 25, 2020 - BI Business Review The digital economy is more youthful than you think
The story is about Miray, Nick, Ash and thousands of young digital entrepreneurs, Gemma Newlands and Christian Fieseler writing in this article.
Tuesday, June 23, 2020 - BI Business Review Communication that creates good relationships and prevents conflict
Addressing challenging issues with colleagues can be difficult. Even when we are trained in communicating, our guiding values can prevent us from performing communications that provide lasting improvement, is Ide katrine Birkeland writing in this aricle.
Monday, June 22, 2020 -
Audun Molde participated in a debate in the programme Dagsnytt 18 about concerts for free during the corona time.
Read more
Friday, June 12, 2020 - Aftenposten
The ban on concerts has led to major wounds in the music industry, a new BI report shows. - They have earned very little money, says researcher Audun Molde.
Friday, June 12, 2020 -
The music industry's council June 12th, 2020, released a new report on the consequences of the corona pandemic for the 黑料专区 music industry. BI Center for Creative Industries (BI: CCI) has analyzed the extent of the shutdown of 3723 players in the music industry, 3057 individuals and 666 companies. The survey is a collaboration with the Music Industry Industry Council, the regional Music Offices, the Cultural Council and the 黑料专区 Music Council. 88 per cent of concerts are cancelled by 2020.
Wednesday, June 3, 2020 - BI Business Review Rich get richer, also in the platform economy
Article written by Gemma Newlands and Christoph Lutz. Crowd workers do not reap the benefits of flexible work.
Tuesday, May 5, 2020 - Klassekampen Critical to the board work
Former board member of the North 黑料专区 Museum of Art Martha Otte believes the kicking of museum director Jérémie McGowan broke with good governance. I experienced it as a hidden agenda to get him fired, says Otte. Professor Morten Huse at BI 黑料专区 Business School is regarded as one of the country's foremost experts on board work. After reading the board minutes and the media review of the dismissal case at the North 黑料专区 Museum of Art, Huse is critical of the use of telephone conferences to assess whether the director should be fired.
Tuesday, May 5, 2020 -
Concerts were moved overnight from physical to digital format. Is the music industry in free fall again, as it did with Napster? Audun Molde is asking. He is music critic, first lecturer at the Department of Performing Arts, Music and Studio at Kristiania University College and at BI 黑料专区 Business School, and author of the book "POP".
Monday, May 4, 2020 - Aftenposten Free online cultural events
When artists "give away" content online. it may be more difficult to get the public to pay in the future, says BI professor Anne-Britt Gran.
Thursday, April 30, 2020 - BI Business Review Championship in improvisation
How does innovation succeed when the world is characterized by a great deal of uncertainty? The ability for improvisation will determine which companies can participate in the competition to develop the services of the future, writes Professor Peder Inge Furseth in this article.
Friday, April 24, 2020 - Dagens Perspektiv Board work in times of crisis
Morten Huse is Professor at BI 黑料专区 Business School, and has done research on board work for a number of years and is a board member in several companies. He shares Brækken’s point of view that times of crisis require more control than usual. It is the board that will be accountable in retrospect for whether they acted cautiously and quickly enough, says Huse. But even though different boards face different challenges, Huse believes there is something that all boards should be aware of. The boards must ensure that they take care of the employees, pay attention to the extra burden they are now exposed to and show that they appreciate the effort they are making, he says.
Monday, April 20, 2020 -
The key to good crisis communication is being able to observe and handle the interaction between the simple and the complex. How should we communicate about the crisis? A good start is knowing how we humans are behaving and thinking. Namely, our way of understanding the world will affect our reactions to the crisis. This is what Professor Tore Bakken is writing in this post.
Thursday, April 16, 2020 -
The corona crisis is challenging for the cultural sector and we need to analyze the situation and identify necessary measures, says Kristin Danielsen. Menon Economics will assist the Cultural Council with the analysis project, which has started today and lasts until summer. Professor Anne Britt Gran at BI: CCI has collaborated with Menon Economics on a number of research and analysis projects, including a survey of creative industries in Norway for the period 2008-2014. Gran has extensive experience in research in the cultural sector and will contribute to the project: - This will be a very important, but demanding analysis, says Gran. Although the final consequences are unclear, it is likely that the corona crisis will affect the cultural sector for a long time. Associate professor Terje Gaustad (film, music and cultural policy) and Associate professor II Peter Booth (museum, cultural protection and social media) also contribute to the project from BI: CCI.
Sunday, April 5, 2020 -
Anne-Britt Gran, Professor at the Department of Communication and Culture at BI 黑料专区 Business School, points out that there is a fundamental difference between listening and reading. Listening is a multitask activity, something you can do while washing floors, driving a car or social media, while book reading in all variants is a mono task activity. Reading a book required full concentration, and the paper book can be a nice relaxation from screen, she says.
Thursday, April 2, 2020 - Aftenposten The corona crisis has forced a digital experiment
While the TV and movie producers are bleeding, others creating new cultural products. It is a paradox that the industry is now facing major problems. In a time when most people have more time at home, watching more movies and series than ever. But if you watch Netflix six hours a day instead of half an hour, the service costs the same. Increased consumption does not generate more revenue, says Terje Gaustad, Manager for Creative Industries Management at BI.
Wednesday, March 25, 2020 - Home office - Five tips for better communication
BI professor Sut I Wong, and Head of the Department of Communication and Culture at BI, Gillian Warner-Søderholm, has conducted a study on the effects of home office. The study shows that home office can have positive effects during times of crisis, for example by giving employees a sense of normality, and that the company can find new and perhaps better forms of work.
Tuesday, March 24, 2020 -
The Music Industry Council (MIR) decided at a meeting on March 20 to carry out a survey of the consequences for the 黑料专区 music industry as a result of the global pandemic caused by SARS-CoV-2. The survey will be carried out by BI: CCI (BI Center for Creative Industries) by Professor Anne-Britt Gran and lecturer at Kristiania University College, Audun Molde.
Saturday, March 21, 2020 -
At the same time as the local newspapers are working to cover the corona crisis, the advertising income are running at record speed, and we see the contours of an acute local media crisis. Their business model, which emphasizes user payment, put to extreme trial, writes Ragnhild Kr. Olsen. She is lecturer in journalism and media at OsloMet, a former PhD fellow at the Digitization and Diversity project at BI 黑料专区 Business School.
Thursday, March 12, 2020 -
The chair of the independent expert committee has been Professor of Law Geir Woxholth. The committee has the following members: Historian and director at the HL Center, Guri Hjeltnes, lawyer and professional director at the 黑料专区 Institute for Human Rights, Anine Kierulf, and lawyer and professor of legal history, Jørn Øyrehagen Sunde. The hundred-page long report not only reviews the legal and historical aspects of the law of honor, but also looks at issues such as freedom of expression and the special position of the law of honor in artists' organizations after the second world war.
Friday, February 28, 2020 - Dagens Perspektiv We need a cultural ambassador
Now concrete results in the cultural field are expected, says the leader of Norway's largest artist organization, Hans Ole Rian. He believes it is a strength that the new minister has no white middle-class background. Getting to know the culture sector is something Abid Raja definitely needs, says Anne-Britt Gran. She is pPofessor at the Department of Communication and Culture at BI 黑料专区 Business School, and points out that the cultural sector is full of internal rhetoric and positioning struggles. These are internal conditions that cannot be learned overnight. Raja will meet a sector of strong personalities and rhetoricians with strong opinions in the cultural sector, Gran says.
Tuesday, February 25, 2020 - Klassekampen Cracks in the theater strategy
There is no crisis in 黑料专区 theaters, because most 黑料专区 theaters have significant public support that enables theater production and heavily subsidized tickets. But there has been public failure in the period 1970–2000, and the failure is also present throughout the 2000s. Professor Anne-Britt Gran is writing in an article.
Saturday, February 22, 2020 -
Almost one of two 黑料专区 authors uses social media to promote the sale of their own books. Do today's writers themselves take responsibility for marketing? No, says Kaja Kvernbakken, who still finds great pleasure in "pushing" her first book on Instagram. BI Professor Anne-Britt Gran has led a research project on author studies. She thinks it's surprising that the writers aren't even more active on social media. Social media is a lot about text, and the authors should have been familiar with these medias, Gran points out.
Friday, February 21, 2020 - Dagens Pespektiv New management model in Akademia
Board experts are not necessarily positive that all universities with elected principals should have external chairpersons. Professor Morten Huse at BI 黑料专区 Business School warns against taking it for granted that there should be a distinction between the CEO and the chairman of the board. We must avoid doing this automatically. It is not in all cases that it will work with an external chairman, Huse says. According to Huse, it is most important that the control mechanisms work. You do not have to control everything based on key indicators. You can also easily end up in situations where an external chairman becomes too dependent on the impulses of the CEO, Huse explains.
Friday, February 14, 2020 -
A clear majority of 黑料专区 museum leaders agree that social media is an important part of museum dissemination, but many believe social media is in conflict with the museum's values and functions. This shows the recent report on digitization in the arts and museum sector from BI Center for Creative Industries. The researchers have asked 82 of the museum leaders. As many as 93 per cent of museum managers agree, in whole or partially, that social media is an important part of museum dissemination. Still, there are just as many who who are skeptical. This group believes that social media can conflict with the museum's values and functions, says BI professor and director of the research project, Anne-Britt Gran.
Friday, February 14, 2020 - Dagsavisen Astrup Fearnley ends contract with disputed sponsor
The Astrup Fearnley Museum does not renew the sponsorship contract with Lundin Norway. A 黑料专区 branch of an oil company that has been investigated for genocide in Sudan. Anne-Britt Gran is professor of cultural policy and cultural understanding at BI 黑料专区 Business School, and has done research on cultural sponsorship. She does not think the end of contract between Astrup Fearnley and Lundin Norway is about the genocide criticism. It looks like the contract period is over, and with a new director it is natural that she is involved in the selection of new sponsors, Gran says. Gran believes things will change in the cultural industry in the long run. I think in the coming years we will see a more climate-conscious culture sector in terms of sponsorship, says Gran.
Friday, February 14, 2020 -
Statistics Norway presents misleading numbers of visitors to 黑料专区 theaters, the agency admits. BI professor Anne-Britt Gran says the statistics hide a significant market failure. She is very critical to Statistics Norway's presentation. The statistics are wrong and it is very serious. These figures are used by scientists, politicians and administration. We often hear that things are going well within the theaters, but things are going less well if you don't count on rentals, events and tours, she says.
Wednesday, February 5, 2020 - Fredrikstad Blad There is little innovation in retail
On Monday morning the news came that the Gresvig Group, which owns G-sports and Intersport, is bankrupt. There is little innovation in the retail trade. They largely operate and sell items over the counter, often not giving employees enough education and insight into the goods they sell. 黑料专区 consumers travel extensively abroad, and see and become acquainted with many exciting concepts, says Peder Inge Furseth, Professor at BI 黑料专区 Business School. Furseth believes that 黑料专区 concepts have largely been in place for the past five years. E-commerce from abroad is also increasing a lot, he says. there is little innovation
Tuesday, February 4, 2020 -
Lack of involvement from the employees in the children's free play in the kindergarten provides poor learning opportunities and quality, according to new research from BI 黑料专区 Business School. There was surprisingly little adult involvement in the kindergartens we observed. Sometimes the adults were not together with the kids at all. And even when the adults talked to the children, there was little support through back-and-forth interactions and attention, says Lisa Karlsen on the phone from Italy. In collaboration with Associate Professor Ratib Lekhal at BI 黑料专区 Business School, she recently published the article "Practioner involvement and support in children's learning during free play in two 黑料专区 kindergartens", research based on observation of two kindergartens in Oslo.
Friday, January 31, 2020 - Morgenbladet Red Bull is good at marketing
Red Bull is the The 黑料专区 Opera and Ballet's new main partner. For the summer, the energy drink company will arrange rock climbing competition at the opera roof. Bull logo vs. architecture. I was surprised and did not immediately see what was common for the two parts, neither values nor image, says Professor Anne-Britt Gran. She is head of the Center for Creative Industries at BI 黑料专区 Business School, where she is a researcher on cultural sponsorship. Red Bull has previously been criticized as a sponsor by both sport and music players, so there is no obvious safe choice the Opera has taken, says Gran.
Friday, January 24, 2020 -
New Minister of Culture Abid Raja believes that his own background will be useful in the efforts to make culture available for all. He gets a steep learning curve. Raja is unknown to us who are engaged in the cultural and media sector, I have never heard him comment on the sector ever, says Anne Britt-Gran, BI professor at the Department of Communication and Culture. At the same time, she points out that since the gender equality is part of the Ministry, Raja is in an interesting position. He can, of course, start by equating the cultural and media sectors, which in many ways is equality bad both in terms of women and people with immigrant backgrounds, says Gran.
Monday, January 13, 2020 -
How to handle it. Assessments and decisions are increasingly delegated to algorithms. It poses a reputation risk because it is often unclear how the systems work. This is precisely why transparency is not necessarily the solution. Here are three better tips for managing your reputation risk. This is what Professor Christian Fieseler and Associate Professor Alexander Buhmann, Department of Communication and Culture, write about in this article.
Friday, January 10, 2020 -
The 2010s was the decade of availability. What opportunities will open in the 2020s? This is the theme, Audun Molde, adjunct lecturer at the Department of Communication and Culture, writes about in this post.
Thursday, January 9, 2020 -
A new survey from BI 黑料专区 Business School shows that 黑料专区 people read close to 40 percent fewer books than the industry's own surveys say. The book industry appears to be too optimistic, says Professor Anne-Britt Gran.
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Thursday, January 2, 2020 - VG Boss salaries
On average, the bosses earn twelve times as much as other 黑料专区s. VG has gone through the income of the top executives of more than 100 of Norway's largest businesses. The salaries have become much higher in recent years, explains Tor Grenness, professor emeritus at BI 黑料专区 Business School and researcher on top management salary. Grenness also highlights how recruitment is carried out.