

Department of Leadership and Organizational Behaviour

Department of Leadership and Organizational Behaviour has its core competence within organizational psychology, management of change, organization management and project management.

Leadership, Change and Sustainability

The working life of today and the future faces many challenges such as the climate crisis, demanding societal problems, global pandemics, a more diverse workforce, increased digitization and an unstable economy. This puts increased pressure on leaders and organizations to handle complexity, continuous change, and contextually adapted leadership. The Faculty Group of Leadership, Change and Sustainability meets todays’ need for developing a broad repertoire of leadership, inspired by different leadership traditions, that gives leaders a better platform to lean on:

  • leadership of creativity, learning and change,
  • leadership of innovation and sustainability,
  • performance oriented, positive, mindful, and inclusive leadership,
  • arts-based and aesthetic communication and leadership,
  • handling of ethical dilemmas and maintaining hope and belief in the future.

The group consists of leading experts within each of the above fields of expertise, both internationally and nationally. We are especially concerned with how a sustainable future can be met through giving students and leaders updated research-based teaching and tools. It is important to highlight that the UN’s initiative, Principles for Responsible Management Education, is providing direction for the group. We are rooted in a Nordic working life tradition with values such as a good working environment for all, equality, ethics, climate of expression, participatory and positive working relationships between managers and employees, so that the best performances are achieved while ensuring sustainable development.

We are all dedicated researchers who publish in the top international academic journals, are active in the media, and are speakers in the business and public sectors. We teach at the bachelor's, master's, and doctoral levels, and in various continuing education programs such as MBA, digital executive short courses, and the Executive Master Management program in Organizational Performance, Green Growth, Communication Climate, Leadership-in-Action, Present Leadership, Team Leadership, and more.

This Faculty Group is led by associate professor Donatella De Paoli

The Faculty Group of Leadership, Change and Sustainability consist of the following persons:

Employees in the faculty group