Organizational Psychology
Organizational psychology is the study of psychological factors in organizational settings. Research efforts in this field span a wide range of topics.
Key areas of focus include decision-making, negotiations, reward systems, stress and burnout, positive psychology, human personality, leadership behavior, power and influence, organizational learning, creativity, and motivational psychology, among others.
The application of knowledge from this research field can have significant implications for the effectiveness of leaders, productivity of employees, and for well-being and overall satisfaction.
The organizational psychology faculty group includes many active researchers with publications in a variety of journals, including those highly ranked in the field.
The teaching activities of the group cover courses and programs at all levels, from bachelor’s to doctoral degrees. A Master of Science program in organizational psychology and leadership is central to the group’s offerings. Additionally, the group shares responsibility for BI’s doctoral program in Leadership and Organization, as well as several programs within the Master of Management and various modules within the EMBA program, both in Norway and China. Many members of the group are also involved in company-specific programs and frequently serve as guest speakers both within and outside of BI.
Associate Professor Erik Løhre heads the faculty group.
The organizational psychology faculty group includes the following individuals: