Centre for Corporate Governance Research
The CCGR aims to produce high-quality research on how ownership and governance of firms impact value-creation and the welfare of firms鈥 stakeholders.
Wednesday, February 12, 2025 - CCGR Report 2/2025 黑料专区 Green Bond Market
New research report by Gosia Ryduchowska and Moqi Groen-Xu on the 黑料专区 market for green bonds: market size, issuers, investors, liquidity, pricing, and credit ratings.
Friday, February 7, 2025 - Økonomi24
Eierne av familiebedrifter har brukt en stadig større andel av sine likvide midler til å betale formuesskatten, viser en grundig kartlegging fra Handelshøyskolen BI. Einar Ravndal skriver om tall fra CCGRs forskningsrapport i Økonomi24.
Monday, February 3, 2025 - BI 黑料专区 Business School Lunch with the BI president, the CCGR council and CCGR stakeholders
Lunch with the BI president and CCGR stakeholders - and the launch for the CCGR research report on 黑料专区 firms. A great opportunity to take stock of where we are, and make plans for the future.
Friday, January 31, 2025 - CCGR Research Report 1/2025 An Overview of 黑料专区 Firms
New research report by Janis Berzins and Bogdan Stacescu on 黑料专区 firms: major trends, financial performance, industry structure, geography, ownership and governance.
Tuesday, December 3, 2024 - Journal of Corporate Finance
New publication by Adam Winegar and Zack Liu in the Journal of Corporate Finance
Tuesday, December 3, 2024 - Journal of Money, Credit and Banking
New publication by Luciana Orozco and Silvina Rubino in the Journal of Money, Credit and Banking
Tuesday, November 26, 2024 - PhD defence
Doctoral defence by Renata Silva de Almeida. Thesis title: "Essays in Household Finance".
Thursday, November 7, 2024 -
Interesting and in-depth guest lecture on Strategy in crisis management by Simone Møkster for the International Business Club
Monday, November 4, 2024 -
Great guest lecture by Karoline Gleditsch and Lulla Treschow Hokholt on their family firms in the Corporate Governance course!
Friday, October 18, 2024 -
Great guest lecture on “Governance for Sustainability - a practical perspective” by Simone Møkster from Simon Møkster Shipping and Jønkøping University: in the Global Sustainability Issues and Finance course.
Sunday, October 13, 2024 - VoxEU
VoxEU column by Francesco Franzoni, Mariassunta Giannetti, and Roberto Tubaldi
Sunday, October 6, 2024 - Berlingske
Vi bliver nødt til at se på iværksætternes privatøkonomiske rammevilkår, skriver Nicolai J. Foss og Toke Reichstein.
Friday, September 13, 2024 -
New working paper by Moqi Groen-Xu and Gosia Ryduchowska
Friday, September 13, 2024 - I familien
Ådne og Gard Kverneland er far og sønn. Sammen driver de Kverneland Bil. Familien startet opp i 1919 og i dag er dette et milliardkonsern, en hjørnesteinsbedrift i og rundt Stavanger. Hvordan har de fått det til? Hva ble til på veien? Hvordan klare å vite hva man skal ta vare på og hva man skal utvikle og fornye for å bli bygdas stolthet, lokalsamfunnets hjørnesteinsbedrift?
Thursday, September 12, 2024 -
Great guest lectures on sustainable investment by Kristine Alm Karsrud from DNB Asset Management, portfolio manager and BI graduate: at the International Business Club Finance event and in the Global Sustainability Issues and Finance course.
Thursday, August 29, 2024 - Financial Times
Paper by Roberto Tubaldi cited in the Financial Times
Tuesday, August 6, 2024 - Journal of Business Economics
New publication by Christopher Bleibtreu, Mert Erinc, Luciana Orozco, and Zhenyang Shi in the Journal of Business Economics.
Tuesday, August 6, 2024 - CCGR
New working paper by Hamid Boustanifar, Edward J. Zajac and Dan Zhang.
Tuesday, August 6, 2024 - Review of Corporate Finance Studies
New publication by Adam Winegar and Mark Jansen in the Review of Corporate Finance Studies.
Tuesday, August 6, 2024 - Journal of Financial Economics
New publication by Thomas Geelen, Jakub Hajda, Erwan Morellec, and Adam Winegar in the Journal of Financial Economics.
Tuesday, August 6, 2024 - CCGR
New working paper by Roberto Tubaldi, Francesco Franzoni, and Mariassunta Giannetti
Tuesday, August 6, 2024 - CCGR Economic Magnitudes Within Reason
New working paper by Zack Liuy and Adam Winegar
Tuesday, August 6, 2024 - CCGR Fiscal Waves in Aquaculture
Master thesis using CCGR data by Kasper Sveistrup and Markus Ribe
Tuesday, August 6, 2024 - CCGR Analyzing the Impact of CEO Turnover on Firm Performance and CEO Job Survival Rates. Evidence from 黑料专区 Firms
New master thesis using CCGR data by Jonas Skarsfjord Rørvik and Sigurd Wangen
Tuesday, August 6, 2024 - CCGR Underperformance in Family Successions: The Role of Outside Work Experience
New working paper by Irena Kustec, Charlotte Ostergaard, and Amir Sasson
Tuesday, August 6, 2024 - I familien
Tre brødre fra 4-generasjon står i dag klar til å overta styringen av familiebedriften Hennig-Olsen. Hvordan skal de klare det samtidig som de holder på det gode vennskapet?
Tuesday, August 6, 2024 - Dagens Næringsliv
Formuesskatt på unoterte selskaper utgjør en fast kostnad, uavhengig av bedriftens inntjening. Den øker risikoen for konkurs og begrenser bedriftens vekstmuligheter.
Tuesday, August 6, 2024 - Budstikka
Tømreren fra Asker skiftet bransje. Han tok med seg kone og brødre på laget i Jar-selskapet. Nå lever familien av å stenge solen ute.
Tuesday, August 6, 2024 - Finansavisen
Det ligger mye press og forventninger i potten når landets største selskaper skal gjennom generasjonsskifter. Her er tyve milliardærarvinger som brøt ut og valgte sin helt egen vei.
Tuesday, August 6, 2024 - Finansavisen
En stille revolusjon er i gang i Norges mektigste familier. De neste årene skal både makt og flere hundre milliarder kroner skifte hender.
Tuesday, August 6, 2024 - Dagens Næringsliv
Når neste generasjon overtar topplederjobben i norske familiebedrifter, er det en datter i mindre enn én av fem tilfeller. Andelen er avtagende.
Sunday, June 30, 2024 - Journal of Financial Markets
New publication by Marco Di Maggio, Francesco Franzoni, Massimo Massa, and Roberto Tubaldi in the Journal of Financial Markets.
Saturday, April 1, 2023 - CCGR Hosting the 4th BI Conference on Corporate Governance
The CCGR will be hosting the BI Conference on Corporate Governance for the fourth time on June 9, 2023. Program will be published soon.
Tuesday, January 31, 2023 - BI CCGR CCGR Annual Report 2022
CCGR annual report 2022 is now available. Read it here.
Friday, November 5, 2021 - Journal of Asset Management
The paper "European sin stocks", has been accepted for publication in the Journal of Asset Management.
Tuesday, October 5, 2021 - emerald insight
The paper "Are family firms reluctant to report impairment losses? Evidence from private firms", has been accepted for publication and is forthcoming in the Journal of Applied Accounting Research.
Tuesday, September 14, 2021 -
The paper "Governmental goals and the international strategies of state-owned multinational enterprises: a conceptual discussion", has been accepted for publication and is forthcoming in the Journal of Management and Governance.
Friday, June 25, 2021 - Bedrifter viderefører støtten til BI Centre for Corporate Governance Research
Bedrifter viderefører støtten til BI Centre for Corporate Governance Research
Friday, May 21, 2021 - Politico.eu
It has been announced that the EU proposal for legislation on sustainable corporate governance, which was expected to be presented in its final version in June, has been postponed. The Commission’s internal quality control raised a red flag on the proposal and the underlying report.
Tuesday, May 11, 2021 -
The CCGR joins colleagues from the European and Nordic legal and finance communities in their call for the EU to think again about recent proposals for corporate governance reform. The proposals are based on erroneous assumption and poor analysis, and risk doing substantial damage to European companies.
Sunday, September 27, 2020 - bi.no Invitasjon til "Styrets ansvar og bærekraftig corporate governance"
For å bidra til utvikling av fagmiljø og forskning innen selskapsrett arrangerer Institutt for rettsvitenskap og styring ved Handelshøyskolen BI selskapsrettslige morgenmøter, som et uformelt diskusjonsforum for selskapsrettslige problemstillinger.
Friday, June 26, 2020 - Polyteknisk.no
Nytt samarbeid mellom BI og Polyteknisk forening, bl.a. CCGR Eier-og Styrekonference 2020
Thursday, February 13, 2020 - Western Finance Association
The paper "Shareholder Illiquidity and Firm Behavior: Financial and Real Effects of the Personal Wealth Tax in Private Firms" by Janis Berzins, Øyvind Bøhren, Bogdan Stacescuhas been accepted to the Western Finance Association 2020 meetings in San Francisco.
Monday, February 3, 2020 - european corporate governance institute (ecgi)
The paper "Shareholder Illiquidity and Firm Behavior: Financial and Real Effects of the Personal Wealth Tax in Private Firms" by Janis Berzins, Øyvind Bøhren and Bogdan Stacescu were featured at ECGI.
Tuesday, November 12, 2019 - BI
The Centre for Corporate Governance Research is inviting applications for a doctoral scholarship in corporate governance, start date August 2020.
Sunday, September 1, 2019 - CCGR Charlotte Østergaard is the new director of the CCGR
Øyvind Bøhren, who has been the CCGR’s founding director since 2005, retired on September 1, and professor Charlotte Østergaard is the new director of the CCGR.
Sunday, February 24, 2019 - BI CCGR decided to fund three new projects
CCGR decided to fund the three new projects "Family Firms, Networks, and Constraints", "The Effects of Firm Ownership Structure on Firm Performance: A Labor Market Channel" and "Conflicts in Private Family Firms".
Thursday, August 23, 2018 - CCGR is co-hosting BIs Styrekonferanse 2018
The CCGR will be co-hosting BI’s annual Practitioner conference on corporate governance.
Tuesday, August 21, 2018 -
The paper "When does the Family Govern the Family Firm?", has been accepted for publication in the Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis.
Friday, May 25, 2018 -
New working paper "The Governance and Finance of 黑料专区 Family Firms: Main Characteristics of the Population”.
Tuesday, May 8, 2018 - European Corporate Governance Institute
Salvatore Miglietta and Charlotte Ostergaard from BI’s Department of Finance, together with their coauthor Mike Burkart from the London School of Economics, received the Best Paper Award from the European Corporate Governance Institute on May 8 at the annual meeting in Berlin.
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Salvatore Miglietta and Charlotte Ostergaard from BI鈥檚 Department of Finance, together with their coauthor Mike Burkart from the London School of Economics, received the from the on May 8 at the annual meeting in Berlin. This prestigious award was given for their paper "".
The paper is part of an ongoing project financed by BI鈥檚 Centre for Corporate Governance Research (CCGR), entitled 鈥Corporate Governance in a Free Contracting Environment鈥.
Friday, January 19, 2018 - BI Business Review Making us wiser in corporate governance
Professor Øyvind Bøhren receives BI's award for impact on society and research communication 2018. - Bøhren participates in many of the major business debates, has an international impact, and has sold 150,000 textbooks, the jury said.
Tuesday, December 12, 2017 - Oxford Business Law Blog
The ECGI working paper “Dividends and Taxes: The Moderating Role of Agency Conflicts” was recently featured on the Oxford Business Law Blog.
Thursday, November 9, 2017 - Harvard Law School Forum
The paper “Shareholder conflicts and dividends”, forthcoming in the Review of Finance, was recently featured on the blog of Harvard Law School Forum on Corporate Governance and Financial Regulation.
Tuesday, September 26, 2017 - CCGR CCGR co-hosting BIs Styrekonferanse 2017
The CCGR co-hosted BI’s annual Practitioner conference on corporate governance.
Friday, September 1, 2017 - CCGR
The paper "Shareholder Conflicts and Dividends", has been accepted for publication in Review of Finance.
Friday, June 30, 2017 - CCGR
Øyvind Bøhren and Siv Staubo received the Best Paper Award from the European Financial Management Association.
Read more
脴yvind B酶hren and Siv Staubo received the from the European Financial Management Association in June 2017 for their paper "".
Thursday, March 30, 2017 - CCGR CCGR funds one new project
The CCGR has decided to fund the project “Executive Compensation in Marketing”.
Monday, March 13, 2017 - CCGR Hosting the 2nd BI Conference on Corporate Governance
The CCGR will host the BI Conference on Corporate Governance for the second time on June 2, 2017. Eight leading international researchers will present new work, which will be discussed by prepared colleagues and the general audience. Participation is by invitation, only.
Wednesday, September 28, 2016 - BI CCGR co-hosting Styrekonferansen 2016
The CCGR co-hosted BI’s annual Practitioner conference on corporate governance.
Friday, January 1, 2016 - BI CCGR decided to fund two new projects
The CCGR has decided to fund the two new projects “Capital Structure and Entrepreneurial Wealth“ and “The Impact of Managerial Biases on Firm Performance and Policies“.
Friday, December 4, 2015 - BI Paper accepted for publication in Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice
The paper "Individual Entrepreneurial Exit and Earnings in Subsequent Paid Employment", has been accepted for publication in Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice.
Sunday, November 15, 2015 - BI Working paper revised
The working paper "Education, Experience and Audit Effort" has been revised.
Wednesday, November 4, 2015 - Paper accepted for publication in Journal of Business Finance & Accounting
We are happy to announce that the paper "Governance structure and firm performance in private family firms" has been accepted for publication in Journal of Business Finance & Accounting.
Tuesday, August 4, 2015 - BI Paper accepted for publication in Review of Finance
We are happy to announce that the paper "Social Capital and the Viability of Stakeholder-Oriented Firms: Evidence from Savings Banks" has been accepted for publication in Review of Finance.
Friday, May 29, 2015 - BI
The CCGR hosted the first BI Conference on Corporate Governance on May 29, 2015.
Friday, May 8, 2015 - ECGI
The CCGR hosted the annual meeting of the European Corporate Governance Institute (ECGI) on May 8, 2015.
Thursday, April 9, 2015 - BI Paper accepted for publication in the Journal of Financial Economics
We are happy to announce that the paper "The expected return and valuation of private and public firms" has been accepted for publication in the Journal of Financial Economics.
Sunday, March 1, 2015 - BI
We are happy to announce that the paper "Initial Public Offering Allocations, Price Support, and Secondary Investors" has been accepted for publication in Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis.
Tuesday, November 4, 2014 - BI
We are happy to announce that the paper "Økonomiske særtrekk ved stiftelser" has been accepted for publication in Nordisk Tidsskrift for Selskabsret.
Sunday, October 5, 2014 - The 15th Workshop on Corporate Governance and Investment
The CCGR hosted this workshop on October 3 and 4, where researchers from European business schools presented and discussed twelve papers.
Thursday, September 4, 2014 - BI Paper accepted for publication in European Financial Management
We are happy to announce that the paper "Mandatory Gender Balance and Board Independence" has been accepted for publication in European Financial Management.
Wednesday, June 4, 2014 - BI Paper accepted for publication in Review of Financial Studies
We are happy to announce that the paper "Liquidity and Shareholder Activism" has been accepted for publication in Review of Financial Studies.
Wednesday, April 2, 2014 - BI New working paper
Liquidity and Shareholder Activism. This paper studies blockholders' incentives to intervene in corporate governance. Theory suggests activists may recoup expenses through informed trading of target firms' stock when stocks are liquid. The paper show that stock liquidity increases the probability of activism, but less so for potentially overvalued fi rms where privately informed blockholders may have greater incentives to sell their stake than to intervene. It also document that activists accumulate more stocks in targets the more liquid is the stock. The paper conclude that liquidity helps overcome the free-rider problem and induces activism via pre-activism accumulation of target firms' shares.
Wednesday, March 12, 2014 - BI Three new projects
The CCGR solicited proposals for research projects in November 2013. Three proposals successfully passed the evaluation, and will have startup dates during spring 2014.
Monday, April 22, 2013 - BI Paper accepted for publication in Journal of Corporate Finance
We are happy to announce that the paper "Does mandatory gender balance work? Changing organizational form to avoid board upheaval" has been accepted for publication in Journal of Corporate Finance.
Wednesday, April 10, 2013 - BI Paper accepted for publication in International Review of Law and Economics
We are happy to announce that the paper "The economics of minority freezeouts: Evidence from the courtroom" has been accepted for publication in International Review of Law and Economics.
Monday, June 25, 2012 - BI Paper accepted for publication in Journal of Banking and Finance
We are happy to announce that the paper "Stakeholder Conflicts and Dividend Policy" has been accepted for publication in Journal of Banking and Finance.
Tuesday, June 12, 2012 - BI Paper accepted for publication in Accounting, Organizations, and Society
We are happy to announce that the paper "Agency Conflicts and Auditing in Private Firms" has been accepted for publication in Accounting, Organizations, and Society.
Thursday, April 26, 2012 - BI Paper accepted for publication in Praktisk Økonomi og Finans
We are happy to announce that the paper "Kjønnskvoterte styrer" has been accepted for publication in Praktisk Økonomi og Finans.
Monday, April 9, 2012 - BI Paper accepted for publication in Journal of Management and Governance
We are happy to announce that the paper "Power and trust in board–CEO relationships" has been accepted for publication in Journal of Management and Governance.
Monday, December 19, 2011 - BI Stockholder Conflicts and Dividend Policy
This paper examines how majority stockholders use the firm’s payout policy to influence this conflict in a large sample of 黑料专区 private firms. They find that the stronger the potential conflict between the stockholders as reflected by the firm’s ownership structure, the higher the proportion of earnings paid out as dividends. This tendency to reduce stockholder conflicts by dividend payout is more pronounced when the minority is weak and when a family’s majority block is held by a single individual. They also find evidence that a minority-friendly payout policy is associated with higher future minority investment in the firm. These results suggest that potential agency costs are mitigated by the firm’s dividend policy when the majority stockholder benefits in the longer run from not opportunistically exploiting the minority.
Saturday, December 10, 2011 - BI When Does Cash Matter?
This paper studies the association between a firm’s cash holdings and its performance. Using a large sample of private companies, they find that the importance of cash for a firm’s performance varies substantially with its size and the conditions it faces. When there are negative shocks to industry or macroeconomic conditions, there is a positive association between cash holdings and performance for small firms. This association is much weaker for large firms. There is no association between cash holdings and performance for other types of conditions. Consistent with the benefits from cash holdings depending on a firm’s ability – and willingness – to use external financing, small firms borrow less than large firms during negative shocks.
Thursday, October 13, 2011 - BI Paper accepted for publication in Prosa
We are happy to announce that the paper "Intens og kompakt" has been accepted for publication in Prosa.
Wednesday, May 18, 2011 - BI Paper accepted for publication in Entrepreneurship Theory & Practice
We are happy to announce that the paper "A Strategic Deviance Perspective on the Franchise Form of Organizing" has been accepted for publication in Entrepreneurship Theory & Practice.
Thursday, January 20, 2011 - BI The Marginal Value of Cash, Cash Flow Sensitivities, and Bank-Finance Shocks in Nonlisted Firms
This paper study how external financing costs affect the cash flow trade-offs made by nonlisted firms. The objective is two-fold: First, understand how nonlisted firms typically trade off financial, real, and distributive allocations; that is, how do they finance fluctuations in their cash flow. Little is known about corporate decision making in closely-held firms which do not have access to public equity and debt markets. Second, how shocks to the cost of external finance affect firms' cash flow trade-offset to what extent do they substitute between external and internal finance and to what extent do dividends and investments adjust?
Thursday, January 6, 2011 - BI Laddering in Initial Public Offering Allocations
This paper study how Tying Initial Public Offering (IPO) allocations of common stock to after-listing purchases in the IPO shares, a process referred to as IPO laddering, has resulted in large-scale investigations of the major investment banks by the SEC and the National Association of Securities Dealers (NASD). With a new and unique dataset of 16,593 IPO allocations on the Oslo Stock Exchange (OSE), we confirm the SECs suspicion that IPO allocations are dependent on after-listing trading.
Tuesday, December 14, 2010 - BI Paper accepted for publication in Journal of Business Finance & Accounting
We are happy to announce that the paper "Governance and Politics: Regulating Independence and Diversity in the Board Room" has been accepted for publication in the Journal of Business Finance & Accounting.
Wednesday, September 8, 2010 - BI Working paper accepted for publication in Entrepreneurship Theory & Practice
We are happy to announce that the CCGR working paper The Dual-Agency Problem Reconsidered - A Strategic Deviance Perspective on the Franchise Form of Organizing has been accepted for publication in the Entrepreneurship Theory & Practice.
Wednesday, March 10, 2010 - BI Agency Conflicts and Auditing in Private Firms
This paper provide a detailed examination of auditor effort in various agency settings of privately held firms. Specifically, they measure the relation between abnormal audit fees and firm-level characteristics related to ultimate ownership and family relationships among shareholders, CEOs, and board members. Their results contribute to understanding agency costs for an economically important subset of firms (i.e., private companies) that have received limited attention in the literature.
Monday, March 1, 2010 - BI The Dual-Agency Problem Reconsidered - A Strategic Deviance Perspective on the Franchise Form of Organizing
This paper propose that a franchisor cannot assess and control opportunism without comparative information from plural form contractual arrangements provided by both franchisee relationships and operating its own units. Moving beyond dyadic perspectives, their strategic deviance model suggests why franchisors accept deviant behavior that results from vertical and horizontal agency problems.
Tuesday, December 15, 2009 - BI New journal publication
The paper "Unoterte aksjeselskaper er viktige, uutforskede og spesielle" written by Janis Berzins and Øyvind Bøhren is published in "Praktisk Økonomi og Finans, nr. 2, 2009".
Friday, July 3, 2009 - BI Working paper - Liquidity and Shareholder Activism
This paper documents that stock liquidity improves shareholders’ incentive to monitor management. Using a hand-collected sample of contested proxy solicitations and shareholder proposals as occurrences of shareholder activism, they find that poor firm performance increases the probability of shareholder activism and that this relationship is much stronger for firms with liquid stock than for other firms. The conclusion that liquidity improves monitoring is robust to different measures of firm performance and liquidity. They also document that target shareholders earn positive abnormal returns on the announcement date of activism and conclude that shareholder activism creates shareholder value.
Friday, July 3, 2009 - BI Working paper accepted for publication in Accounting Review
We are happy to announce that the CCGR working paper "Auditor independence in a private firm and low litigation risk setting" has been accepted for publication in the Accounting Review. The authors Ole-Kristian Hope and John Christian Langli are the first to receive the CCGR grant of NOK 100.000 for publication in an A journal.
Friday, May 15, 2009 - BI The 4th CCGR workshop
Two ongoing CCGR projects and seven project plans were presented and discussed. Info about the project types, titles, team leaders, team members, and project outlines, can be found under the "Projects" tab.
Monday, March 9, 2009 - BI Eight new projects
The CCGR solicited proposals for research projects in November 2008. Eight proposals successfully passed the evaluation, and will have startup dates during spring 2009.
Wednesday, October 1, 2008 - BI Corporate finance and governance in firms with limited liability: Basic characteristics
This study analyzes a wide range of corporate finance and governance characteristics in all active 黑料专区 firms with limited liability, including about 77,000 nonlisted (private) firms and 135 listed (public) firms per year, over the period 1994-2005. The unexplored nature of nonlisted firms makes us address a large set of characteristics, and to focus more on describing overall patterns in the data rather than making elaborate tests of behavioral hypotheses.
Monday, June 23, 2008 - BI Working Paper - Risk management with cash and insurance in non-listed firms
This study analyzes corporate risk management with property insurance in small and medium sized firms that are privately held. The paper documents that the use of insurance relates positively to CEO salary and negatively to CEO ownership and ownership concentration.
Thursday, May 22, 2008 - BI May 22-24: Conference on the Corporate finance and governance of privately held firms
Non-listed firms probably account for the largest portion of value creation and employment in virtually any country around the world. These firms are likely to evolve and utilize governance structures and to face specific financing challenges that are very different from those of publicly traded corporations. The objective of this international conference is to take some initial steps toward a better understanding of how privately held firms are governed and financed.
Friday, January 11, 2008 - BI The 3rd CCGR workshop
Seven teams presented and discussed their findings after about 15 months of research activity. Most of the teams are now close to having a working paper ready.
Thursday, November 29, 2007 - BI Working Paper - Auditor independence in a private firm setting
Although private firms predominate in the economy worldwide, there has been little, if any, prior research on auditor independence in a private firm setting. Ole-Kristian Hope and John Christian Langli investigate whether auditors are willing to sacrifice their independence in exchange for retaining clients that pay abnormally large fees for audit and/or non-audit services. Media exposure: Aftenposten, Den norske Revisorforening, NSM BI
Tuesday, May 15, 2007 - BI The 2nd CCGR workshop
Seven research teams presented and discussed the preliminary findings after half a year of research activity.
Friday, September 22, 2006 - BI The 1st CCGR workshop
The objective of this kickoff event was to encourage cooperation and mutual support across the research teams. Each team presented its research plan, which was commented upon by a discussant and the general audience.
Tuesday, August 15, 2006 - BI Financial support from NFR
Triggered by a private gift to fund research projects and a chaired professorship in corporate governance, the Research Council of Norway (NFR) granted NOK 2.5 to the CCGR (socalled Gaveforsterking).
Tuesday, July 11, 2006 - BI Project funding decision
The CCGR granted financial support to three seed projects and ten regular projects.
Tuesday, May 9, 2006 - BI Canica grant
Canica AS decided to support the research activities of the CCGR by a NOK 5 mill. grant.
Thursday, April 6, 2006 - BI Invitation for research proposals
The CCGR announced its intention to fund promising research in corporate governance by specifying key characteristics of a successful project description