Centre for Health Care Management
The Centre for Health Care Management at BI 黑料专区 Business School is an interdisciplinary research centre with a clear ambition to contribute to the development of the health care sector.
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Evald, M. R., Hoholm, T., Mainela, T., & Torvinen, H.
Evald, M. R., Hoholm, T., Mainela, T., & Torvinen, H. (2023). Creating and maintaining momentum – Relational work in public-private innovation partnerships. Public Management Review, 1-23.
Kværner, K. & Hoholm, T.
Kari J. Kværner og Thomas Hoholm (red) (2023). Håndbok i helseinnovasjon: Forskningsbaserte råd for å forme fremtidens helsetjeneste. Cappelen Damm Akademisk.
Hoholm. T.
Innovation in public sector – Leadership for cultural change
Hoholm. T. (2021). Innovation in public sector – Leadership for cultural change. Forskningspolitikk, 2/21, 24-25
Mørk, B.E.
Læring av feil er viktig for forbedringsarbeid og innovasjon
Mørk, B.E. (2020). Læring av feil er viktig for forbedringsarbeid og innovasjon. Lean Forums Årskonferanse 2020, 19. november.
Mørk, B.E.
Hvordan bidrar psykologisk trygghet til at vi blir bedre på å bli bedre?
Mørk, B.E. (2020). Hvordan bidrar psykologisk trygghet til at vi blir bedre på å bli bedre? Pasientsikkerhetskonferansen 2020, 12. november.
Mørk, B.E.
Teaming, grensearbeid og samarbeid på tvers
Mørk, B.E. (2020). Teaming, grensearbeid og samarbeid på tvers. Kick-off for NAV, 25. august.
Mørk, B.E., Steen, R., Bjartveit, M., Riis-Asplin, B., Hoholm, T.
Brukermedvirkning i helsesektoren et ideal, men vanskelig i praksis
Mørk, B.E, Steen, R., Bjartveit, M., Riis-Asplin, B., og Hoholm, T. (2020). Brukermedvirkning i helsesektoren et ideal, men vanskelig i praksis. Arrangement i regi av BI and Dagens Næringsliv, 12. august.
Hoholm, T.
Strategisk tvetydighet: Når fremtiden skal med i styringen
Hoholm, T. (2020). Strategisk tvetydighet: Når fremtiden skal med i styringen. Strategisamling, Bufetat region øst, 10.juni.
Kolbjørnsrud, V.
The intelligent organization
Kolbjørnsrud, V. (2020). “The intelligent organization,” in Designing Modern Organizations (Companions to Management series) eds. Snow & Fjeldstad, Cambridge University Press, forthcoming August 2020. [NO 2]
Oppen, M., Mørk, B.E. & Haus, E.
Kvantitative og kvalitative metoder i merkantile fag: En innføring
Oppen, M., Mørk, B.E. & Haus, E. (2020). Kvantitative og kvalitative metoder i merkantile fag. En innføring, Cappelen Damm Akademisk.
Kværner, K.
Hjernemysterier. Å lede seg selv og andre
Wendt, K., Mørk, B.E., Berg, O. & Fosse, E.
Medicine and interest politics - A study of decision-making processes in the area of vascular surgery in Norway
Wendt, K., Mørk, B.E., Berg, O. & Fosse, E. (2020). Medicine and interest politics - A study of decision-making processes in the area of vascular surgery in Norway, Journal of Health Organization and Management (in press).
Lindberg, K., Mørk, B.E., & Walter, L.
Emergent Coordination and Situated Learning in Hybrid ORs: The mixed blessing of using radiation
Lindberg, K., Mørk, B.E., & Walter, L. (2019). “Emergent Coordination and Situated Learning in Hybrid ORs: The mixed blessing of using radiation”. Social Science and Medicine, Vol. 228, May, 232-239.
Langley, A., Lindberg, K., Mørk, B.E., Nicolini, D., Raviola, E, & Walther, L
Boundary Work In and Among Groups, Occupations and Organizations – From Geography to Process
Langley, A., Lindberg, K., Mørk, B.E., Nicolini, D., Raviola, E, & Walther, L. (2019). “Boundary Work In and Among Groups, Occupations and Organizations – From Geography to Process”, Academy of Management Annals, Vol. 13, No. 2, 704–736.
Støme LN, Pripp AH, Kværner JS, Kvaerner KJ
Acceptability, usability and utility of a personalised application in promoting behavioural change in patients with osteoarthritis: a feasibility study in Norway
Støme LN, Pripp AH, Kværner JS, Kvaerner KJ (2019). “Acceptability, usability and utility of a personalised application in promoting behavioural change in patients with osteoarthritis: a feasibility study in Norway”, BMJ Open, 9 (1), e021608
Støme LN, Moger T, Kidholm K, Kværner KJ
Early assessment of innovation in a healthcare setting
Støme LN, Moger T, Kidholm K, Kværner KJ (2019). "Early assessment of innovation in a healthcare setting”. International Journal of Technology Assessessment Health Care, 35 (1), 17-26.
Kolbjørnsrud, V.
Collaborative organizational forms: on communities, crowds, and new hybrids
Kolbjørnsrud, V. (2018). “Collaborative organizational forms: on communities, crowds, and new hybrids.” Journal of Organization Design, 7(11), 1-21
Andersen, E., Johnson, J. C., Kolbjørnsrud, V., & Sannes, R.
The data-driven organization: Intelligence at SCALE
Andersen, E., Johnson, J. C., Kolbjørnsrud, V., & Sannes, R. (2018) “The data-driven organization: Intelligence at SCALE.” In Sasson (ed.) At the Forefront, Looking Ahead, Universitetsforlaget, 23-42.
Nicolini, D., Mørk. B.E. & Masovic, J.
The changing nature of expertise: Insights from the case of TAVI
Nicolini, D., Mørk. B.E. & Masovic, J. (2018). “The changing nature of expertise: Insights from the case of TAVI”, Studies in Continuing Education. 40 (3), 306-322.
Christie, W., Hoholm, T. & Mørk, B.E.
Innovasjon og samhandling i helsevesenet – En praksisbasert tilnærming
Christie, W., Hoholm, T. & Mørk, B.E. (2018). «Innovasjon og samhandling i helsevesenet – En praksisbasert tilnærming», Praktisk økonomi og finans, 34 (1) 32-46.
Fossum GH, Lindbæk M, Gjelstad S, Kværner KJ
Relationship between Maternal and First Year of Life Dispensations of Antibiotics and Antiasthmatics
Fossum GH, Lindbæk M, Gjelstad S, Kværner KJ (2018). «Relationship between Maternal and First Year of Life Dispensations of Antibiotics and Antiasthmatics”. Antibiotics (Basel), 7 (3)
Solheim J, Gay C, Lerdal A, Hickson L, Kvaerner KJ
An Evaluation of Motivational Interviewing for Increasing Hearing Aid Use: A Pilot Study
Solheim J, Gay C, Lerdal A, Hickson L, Kvaerner KJ (2018). “An Evaluation of Motivational Interviewing for Increasing Hearing Aid Use: A Pilot Study”. J Am Acad Audiol, 29 (8), 696-705.
Fossum GH, Gjelstad S, Kværner KJ, Lindbaek M
Prescribing antibiotics when the stakes are higher - do GPs prescribe less when patients are pregnant? A retrospective observational study
Fossum GH, Gjelstad S, Kværner KJ, Lindbaek M (2018). “Prescribing antibiotics when the stakes are higher - do GPs prescribe less when patients are pregnant? A retrospective observational study”. BJGP Open, 2 (2), bjgpopen18X101505
Hoholm, T., La Rocca, A. & Aanestad, M.
Controversies in Healthcare Innovation: Service, organization and technology
Hoholm, T., La Rocca, A. & Aanestad, M. (eds) (2018). Controversies in Healthcare Innovation: Service, organization and technology, Palgrave Macmillan
Hanseth, O., Masovic, J. & Mørk, B.E
The dynamics of complex sociomaterial assemblages: the case of Transcatheter aortic valve implantation
Hanseth, O., Masovic, J. & Mørk, B.E (2018). “The dynamics of complex sociomaterial assemblages: the case of Transcatheter aortic valve implantation”, side 247-263, i Calitz, F., Batini, C. & Magni, M. (red) (2018). Organizing for the Digital World. IT for individuals, communities and societies, Lecture Notes in Information Systems and Organisation (LNISO), Vol. 28 2018, Springer International Publishing AG ISBN 978-3-319-90502-0
Hoholm, T., La Rocca, A. & Aanestad, M.
Introduction: Controversies in Healthcare Innovation – Service, Technology and Organization
Hoholm, T., La Rocca, A. & Aanestad, M. (2018) “Introduction: Controversies in Healthcare Innovation – Service, Technology and Organization”, i Hoholm, T., La Rocca, A. & Aanestad, M. (red). Controversies in Healthcare Innovation, Palgrave Macmillan.
Mørk, B.E, Greig, G., Masovic, J. Hanseth, O. & Nicolini, D.
Controversies as Opportunities for Innovation in the Case of TAVI
Mørk, B.E, Greig, G., Masovic, J. Hanseth, O. & Nicolini, D. (2018). “Controversies as Opportunities for Innovation in the Case of TAVI”, side 75-106, in Controversies in Medical Innovation. Service, Technology and Organization, Hoholm, T., LaRocca, A. & Aanestad, M. (red), Palgrave.
Araujo, L., La Rocca, A. & Hoholm, T.
The role of public policy instruments in reconfiguring primary and secondary care relationships
Araujo, L., La Rocca, A. & Hoholm, T. (2018), “The role of public policy instruments in reconfiguring primary and secondary care relationships”, i Hoholm, T. La Rocca, A. & Aanestad, M. (red) Controversies in Healthcare Innovation, Palgrave Macmillan.
Hoholm, T., Strønen, F., Kværner, K. & Støme, L.N.
Pushing ambidexterity? Enabling service innovation in a hospital setting
Hoholm, T., Strønen, F., Kværner, K. & Støme, L.N. (2018), “Pushing ambidexterity? Enabling service innovation in a hospital setting”, i Hoholm, T. La Rocca, A. & Aanestad, M. (red) Controversies in Healthcare Innovation, Palgrave Macmillan.
Olsen, P.I.
Venture Capital Systemic Synergies and Networked Management Control in Rapid Scaling Innovative New Business Ventures
Olsen, P.I. (2018): Venture Capital Systemic Synergies and Networked Management Control in Rapid Scaling Innovative New Business Ventures, in Carlsson-Wall, M., Håkansson, H., Kraus, K., Lind, J. & Strömsten, T.: Accounting, Innovation and Inter-Organisational Relationships, Routledge, New York and London
Mikhailova, O. & Olsen, P. I.
The Role of Controversy in Medical Technology Adoption
Mikhailova, O. & Olsen, P. I. (2018): The Role of Controversy in Medical Technology Adoption. In: Controversies in Healthcare Innovation. Service, Technology and Organization. Palgrave Macmillan side, 279-308
La Rocca, A. & Hoholm, T.
Coordination between primary and secondary care: The role of electronic messages and economic incentives
La Rocca, A. & Hoholm, T. (2017). “Coordination between primary and secondary care: The role of electronic messages and economic incentives”, BMC Health Services Research, 17:149.
Rubach, S., Hoholm, T. & Håkansson, H.
Innovation networks or innovation in networks?
Rubach, S., Hoholm, T. & Håkansson, H. (2017). “Innovation networks or innovation in networks?”, The IMP Journal, Vol. 11 No. 2, 178-206.
Strønen, F., Hoholm, T., Kværner, K. & Støme, L.N.
Dynamic Capabilities and Innovation Capabilities: The Case of the ‘Innovation Clinic
Strønen, F., Hoholm, T., Kværner, K. & Støme, L.N. (2017). “Dynamic Capabilities and Innovation Capabilities: The Case of the ‘Innovation Clinic’”, Journal of Entrepreneurship, Management and Innovation, vol.13 (1):89-116.
Olsen, P.I. & Håkansson, H.
The roles of deals and business networks in innovation processes
Olsen, P.I. & Håkansson, H. (2017). “The roles of deals and business networks in innovation processes”, The IMP Journal, Vol 11(1), 25-50.
Stavem K, Kristiansen HA, Kristoffersen ES, Kværner KJ, Russell MB
Association of excessive daytime sleepiness with migraine and headache frequency in the general population
Stavem K, Kristiansen HA, Kristoffersen ES, Kværner KJ, Russell MB (2017). “Association of excessive daytime sleepiness with migraine and headache frequency in the general population”, J Headache Pain, 18 (1), 35.
Nicolini, D., Mørk, B.E., Masovic, J. & Hanseth, O.
Expertise as trans-situated: the case of TAVI
Nicolini, D., Mørk, B.E., Masovic, J. & Hanseth, O. (2017). “Expertise as trans-situated: the case of TAVI”, side 27-49, i J. Sandberg, L. Rouleau, A. Langley & H. Tsoukas (red) Skilful Performance: Enacting Expertise, Competence, and Capabilities in Organizations. Oxford University Press.
Hoholm, T. & Araujo, L.
Innovation policy in an interactive world – the critical role of the context
Hoholm, T. & Araujo, L. (2017) “Innovation policy in an interactive world – the critical role of the context”, i Håkansson, H. & Snehota, I. (eds) IMP – Making sense of the interactive business world, Emerald.
La Rocca, A., Öberg, C. & Hoholm, T.
When startups shift network: Notes on Start Up Journey
La Rocca, A., Öberg, C. & Hoholm, T. (2017) “When startups shift network: Notes on Start Up Journey”, in Aaboen, P., Shih, L. & La Rocca, A. (red) Starting up in business networks, Palgrave Macmillan.
Munksgaard, K. B., Olsen, P.I. & Prenkert, F.
Boundaries of business actors and networks: Theoretical and methodological reflections
Munksgaard, K. B., Olsen, P.I. & Prenkert, F. (2017): Boundaries of business actors and networks: Theoretical and methodological reflections, i Håkansson H. & Snehota, I (eds), No business is an island: making sense of the interactive business world, side 213.233. Bingley: Emerald Publishing Limited
La Rocca, A., Hoholm, T., & Mørk, B.E.
Practice theory and the study of interaction in business relationships: Some methodological implications
La Rocca, A., Hoholm, T., & Mørk, B.E. (2016). “Practice theory and the study of interaction in business relationships: Some methodological implications.” Industrial Marketing Management. 60: 187- 195.
Evers, N., Cunningham, J. & Hoholm, T.
International entrepreneurship in universities: Context, Emergence and Actors
Evers, N., Cunningham, J. & Hoholm, T. (2016). “International entrepreneurship in universities: Context, Emergence and Actors”, in Journal of International Entrepreneurship, 14(3).
Mikhailova, O. & Olsen, P.I
Internationalization of an academic invention through successive science-business networks: The case of TAVI
Mikhailova, O. & Olsen, P.I (2016). “Internationalization of an academic invention through successive science-business networks: The case of TAVI”. Journal of International Entrepreneurship, Volum 14 (3). 441-471.
Bergersen TK, Storheim E, Gundersen S, Kleven L, Johnson M, Sandvik L, Kvaerner KJ, Ørjasæter NO
Improved Clinical Efficacy with Wound Support Network Between Hospital and Home Care Service
Bergersen TK, Storheim E, Gundersen S, Kleven L, Johnson M, Sandvik L, Kvaerner KJ, Ørjasæter NO (2016). "Improved Clinical Efficacy with Wound Support Network Between Hospital and Home Care Service”. Adv Skin Wound Care, 29 (11), 511-517.
Solheim J, Shiryaeva O, Kvaerner KJ
Lack of ear care knowledge in nursing homes
Solheim J, Shiryaeva O, Kvaerner KJ (2016). “Lack of ear care knowledge in nursing homes” J Multidiscip Healthc, 9, 481-488.
Mørk, B.E. & Hoholm, T.
From knowledge breakthroughs to changing medical practices
Mørk, B.E. & Hoholm, T. (2016). “From knowledge breakthroughs to changing medical practices”, side 270-286, i Škerlavaj, M., Černe, M., Dysvik, A. & Carlsen, A. (red) (2016). Capitalizing on Creativity at Work: Fostering the Implementation of Creative Ideas in Organizations, Edward Elgar Publishing.
La Rocca, A., Hvidsten, A. & Hoholm T.
The role of creativity when translating innovation locally
La Rocca, A., Hvidsten, A. & Hoholm T. (2016) “The role of creativity when translating innovation locally”, i Škerlavaj, M., Černe, M., Dysvik, A. & Carlsen, A. (red) Capitalizing on Creativity at Work, Edward Elgar.
Hoholm, T.
Interaction avoidance in networks
Hoholm, T. (2015). “Interaction avoidance in networks”, The IMP Journal, 9(2).
Håkansson, H. & P.I. Olsen
The roles of money and business deals in network structures
Håkansson, H. & P.I. Olsen (2015). “The roles of money and business deals in network structures”, Industrial Marketing Management, 45, 207-217.
Brekke, A., Rubach, S. & Hoholm, T.
This is not a building: the abductionist journey of a publicly funded regional (non-)innovation project
Brekke, A., Rubach, S. & Hoholm, T. (2014) “This is not a building: the abductionist journey of a publicly funded regional (non-)innovation project”, The IMP Journal, 8(1).
Evers, N., Cunningham, J. & Hoholm, T.
Technology Entrepreneurship: Bringing Innovation to the Marketplace
Evers, N., Cunningham, J. & Hoholm, T. (2014) Technology Entrepreneurship: Bringing Innovation to the Marketplace, (textbook), Palgrave Macmillan
Russell MB, Kristiansen HA, Kværner KJ
Headache in sleep apnea syndrome: epidemiology and pathophysiology
Russell MB, Kristiansen HA, Kværner KJ (2014). "Headache in sleep apnea syndrome: epidemiology and pathophysiology”, Cephalalgia, 34 (10), 752-5.
Austeng ME, Øverland B, Kværner KJ, Andersson EM, Axelsson S, Abdelnoor M, Akre H
Obstructive sleep apnea in younger school children with Down syndrome
Austeng ME, Øverland B, Kværner KJ, Andersson EM, Axelsson S, Abdelnoor M, Akre H (2014). "Obstructive sleep apnea in younger school children with Down syndrome”. Int J Pediatr Otorhinolaryngol, 78 (7), 1026-9.
Hvidsten, A., La Rocca, A. & Hoholm, T.
The role of artefacts in the coordination of home care practices
Hvidsten, A., La Rocca, A. & Hoholm, T. (2014) «The role of artefacts in the coordination of home care practices», i Coletta, C., Colombo, S., Magaudda, P., Mattozzi, A., Parolin, L.L. & Rampino, L. (red) A Matter of Design: Making Society Through Science and Technology, published proceedings of the 5th STS Italia Conference, Milano, 12-14. juni.
Bakken, T., Håkansson, H. & Olsen, P. I.
Agency and economizing in interacted economies
Bakken, T., Håkansson, H. & Olsen, P. I. (2013).”Agency and economizing in interacted economies”, The IMP Journal 7(2), 1-6.
Olsen, P. I.
IMP Theory in Light of Process-, and Systems Theories
Olsen, P. I. (2013). “IMP Theory in Light of Process-, and Systems Theories”, The IMP Journal, 7(3), 159 – 170.
Kvaerner KJ, Austeng ME, Abdelnoor M
Hospitalization for acute otitis media as a useful marker for disease severity
Kvaerner KJ, Austeng ME, Abdelnoor M (2013). “Hospitalization for acute otitis media as a useful marker for disease severity”. Pediatr Infect Dis J, 32 (9), 946-9.
Austeng ME, Akre H, Øverland B, Abdelnoor M, Falkenberg ES, Kværner KJ
Otitis media with effusion in children with in Down syndrome
Austeng ME, Akre H, Øverland B, Abdelnoor M, Falkenberg ES, Kværner KJ (2013). “Otitis media with effusion in children with in Down syndrome”. Int J Pediatr Otorhinolaryngol, 77 (8), 1329-32.
Austeng ME, Akre H, Falkenberg ES, Øverland B, Abdelnoor M, Kværner KJ
Hearing level in children with Down syndrome at the age of eight
Austeng ME, Akre H, Falkenberg ES, Øverland B, Abdelnoor M, Kværner KJ (2013). “Hearing level in children with Down syndrome at the age of eight”. Res Dev Disabil, 34 (7), 2251-6.
Fossum GH, Lindbæk M, Gjelstad S, Dalen I, Kværner KJ
Are children carrying the burden of broad-spectrum antibiotics in general practice? Prescription pattern for paediatric outpatients with respiratory tract infections in Norway
Fossum GH, Lindbæk M, Gjelstad S, Dalen I, Kværner KJ (2013). "Are children carrying the burden of broad-spectrum antibiotics in general practice? Prescription pattern for paediatric outpatients with respiratory tract infections in Norway”. BMJ Open, 3 (1).
Mørk, B.E., Aanestad, M. & Hoholm, T.
Tverrfaglig samhandling: en praksisbasert studie av utvikling og implementering av ny praksis i og på tvers av sykehus
Mørk, B.E., Aanestad, M. & Hoholm, T. (2013). “Tverrfaglig samhandling: en praksisbasert studie av utvikling og implementering av ny praksis i og på tvers av sykehus”, side 258-279 i Tjora, A. & Melby, L. (red), Samhandling for helse: Kunnskap, kommunikasjon og teknologi i helsetjenestens samhandling. Gyldendal forlag.
Mørk, B.E., Hoholm, T. Manninen-Olsson, E. & Aanestad, M.
Changing practice through boundary organising: A case from medical R&D
Mørk, B.E., Hoholm, T. Manninen-Olsson, E. & Aanestad, M. (2012). "Changing practice through boundary organising: A case from medical R&D", Human Relations, Vol. 65 (2), 261-286.
Hoholm, T. & Olsen, P.I.
The contrary forces of innovation: A conceptual model for studying networked innovation processes
Hoholm, T. & Olsen, P.I. (2012). “The contrary forces of innovation: A conceptual model for studying networked innovation processes”, Industrial Marketing Management, 41(2).
Hoholm, T. & Håkansson, H.
Interaction to bridge network gaps: A case study of innovation in fish technology
Hoholm, T. & Håkansson, H. (2012). “Interaction to bridge network gaps: A case study of innovation in fish technology”, The IMP Journal, 6(3).
Håkansson, H. & Olsen, P. I.
Innovation in Networked Economies – In the Age of the Smart System
Håkansson, H. & Olsen, P. I. (2012). “Innovation in Networked Economies – In the Age of the Smart System”, Journal of Business Market Management.
Olsen, P.I.
Below the Surface: How (seafood-) Markets Work – and How They Change
Olsen, P.I. (2012). “Below the Surface: How (seafood-) Markets Work – and How They Change", The IMP Journal, 6(3), 186-193.
Ojastu, D., Chiu, R. & Olsen, P.I.
Cognitive Model of Entrepreneurship and its Reflection in Education
Ojastu, D., Chiu, R. & Olsen, P.I. (2011). “Cognitive Model of Entrepreneurship and its Reflection in Education”, Journal of Enterprising Culture, 19(4), 397-434.
Hoholm, T.
The Contrary Forces of Innovation: An ethnography of innovation in the food industry, (research monography; revised version of PhD thesis)
Hoholm, T. (2011) The Contrary Forces of Innovation: An ethnography of innovation in the food industry, (research monography; revised version of PhD thesis), Palgrave Macmillan
Hoholm, T. & Araujo, L.
Studying innovation processes in real-time: The promises and challenges of ethnography
Hoholm, T. & Araujo, L. (2011) “Studying innovation processes in real-time: The promises and challenges of ethnography”, Industrial Marketing Management, 40(6).
Hoholm, T. & Strønen, F.
Innovation strategy and identity: A case study from the food industry
Hoholm, T. & Strønen, F. (2011). “Innovation strategy and identity: A case study from the food industry”, European Journal of Innovation Management, 14(3).
Olsen, P.I.
The Relevance and Applicability of Process Metaphysics to Organizational Research
Olsen, P.I. (2011. “The Relevance and Applicability of Process Metaphysics to Organizational Research”, Philosophy of Management, 10(2), 53-74.
Olsen, P.I.
Knowledge, transparency and power in business networks
Olsen, P.I. (2011). “Knowledge, transparency and power in business networks”, The IMP Journal, 5(2), 94-106.
Mørk, B.E, Hoholm, T., Aanestad, M., Edwin, B. & Ellingsen, G.
Challenging expertise: on power relations within and across communities of practice in medical innovation
Mørk, B.E, Hoholm, T., Aanestad, M., Edwin, B. & Ellingsen, G. (2010). "Challenging expertise: on power relations within and across communities of practice in medical innovation", Management Learning, November, 41: 575-592.
Kolbjørnsrud, V.
Transforming sales skills and behavior for growth: How Hewlett-Packard Norway achieved high performance by mastering large account selling
Kolbjørnsrud, V. (2009) "Transforming sales skills and behavior for growth: How Hewlett-Packard Norway achieved high performance by mastering large account selling," Accenture
Bøe, A., V. Kolbjørnsrud & P. Knudsen
Deal shaping: How to execute sales programs that improve your customers' business value
Bøe, A., V. Kolbjørnsrud & P. Knudsen (2008) "Deal shaping: How to execute sales programs that improve your customers' business value," Outlook Point of View, Nov. 2008.
Mørk, B.E., Aanestad, M., Grisot, M. & Hanseth, O.
Conflicting epistemic cultures and obstacles for learning across communities of practice
Mørk, B.E., Aanestad, M., Grisot, M. & Hanseth, O. (2008). "Conflicting epistemic cultures and obstacles for learning across communities of practice", Knowledge and Process Management, vol.15 (1), 12-23.
Mørk, B.E., Hoholm, T., & Aanestad, M.
Constructing, enacting and packaging innovations: a study of a medical technology project
Mørk, B.E., Hoholm, T., & Aanestad, M. (2006). "Constructing, enacting and packaging innovations: a study of a medical technology project", European Journal of Innovation Management, vol.9 (4): 444-465.