

Research Themes and Funding


Here we have gathered our research on climate economics Within this topic you will find recent research on climate policies, the transition towards a more climate friendly economy, climate changes, and other relevant questions regarding climate economics.

  • The Drivers of Emission Reductions in the European Carbon Market (Hilde C. Bjørnland, Jamie L. Cross and Felix Kapfhammer)
  • The Economic Consequences of Effective Carbon Taxes (Felix Kapfhammer)
  • Quantifying supply-side climate policies (Lassi Ahlvik, Jørgen Juel Andersen, Jonas Hveding Hamang and Torfinn Harding)
  • New Developments in the Econometric Analysis of Energy and Climate (J. Isaac Miller, Hilde C. Bjørnland and Yoosoon Chang)
    • Published in: Energy Economics, 100, 2021. Special issue on "Energy & Climate Econometrics" 
  • Climate Risk and Commodity Currencies (Felix Kapfhammer, Vegard H. Larsen and Leif Anders Thorsrud)
  • On the use of machine learning for causal inference in climate economics (Isabel Hovdahl)
