
BI Research Centre

Nordic Centre for Internet and Society

The Nordic Centre for Internet and Society is a globally-oriented research centre, dedicated to understanding the influence of new internet technologies on working life and society.

As an interdisciplinary research centre, the Nordic Centre for Internet and Society combines a wide range of disciplines and methodologies to understand the impact of emerging Internet technologies on working life and society.

Our central aim, as a growing team of international researchers, is to explore the re-invention of work and working life within a digital, networked, and media-rich environment. We embrace the opportunity to combine business and management research with the growing field of Internet research.

Creating a tight loop between research, teaching, and practical engagement, we engage in theory building, theory testing, and applying these theories to current developments. This helps us to inform, test, and share our ideas while allowing us to reach entrepreneurs, policy makers, innovators, technologists, and users.


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Image of Eliane Bucher

Eliane Bucher

Associate Professor Department of Communication and Culture +4746410285
Image of Christoph Lutz

Christoph Lutz

Professor Department of Communication and Culture +4746410206