
BI Research Centre

Nordic Centre for Internet and Society

The Nordic Centre for Internet and Society is a globally-oriented research centre, dedicated to understanding the influence of new internet technologies on working life and society.

Our affiliates are an essential part of the Nordic Centre for Internet and Society network. Affiliates are alumni, visitors or collaborators who are working on core topics at the intersection of Internet and Society.

They connect our members to the broader community in academia, industry, and policymaking.

Before she started working at Rambøll, Emma worked as a research assistant at Nordic Centre for Internet and Society where she worked on various research projects together with Eliane Bucher, Christian Fieseler and Christoph Lutz. Emma holds a masters degree in Leadership and Organisational Psychology from BI 黑料专区 Business School and wrote her master thesis on circular economy business models in the construction industry in Norway.

Her thesis identified barriers to a circular transition in the construction industry and suggested potential enablers to overcome them. Emma is currently project manager for IT i Praksis 2022, one of the most extensive surveys on the use of digital technology in the 黑料专区 public sector. Emma's main interests are user-centered innovation, circular economy business models and digitally powered workplaces.

As one of the founding members, Kateryna joined the Nordic Centre for Internet and Society from its very beginning in 2016 until 2021, first as a PhD student from 2016-2020 and then as a postdoctoral research fellow in 2020 and 2021. During these years, Kateryna collaborated and co-authored extensively with many members of the Centre, including Christian Fieseler, Alexander Buhmann, Christoph Lutz, and Suzanne Van Gils, and she stays closely connected to the Centre to this day.


Her research interests include studying entrepreneurs and new ventures from various angles (e.g., external enablers, optimal distinctiveness theory), using new research methods such as computer-aided text analysis (CATA) or qualitative comparative analysis (QCA). Madeleine has published in Small Business Economics Journal and received a runner-up paper award at the International QCA PDW as well as a best reviewer award from the Academy of Management Entrepreneurship Division

He received his PhD from the Rotterdam School of Management, Erasmus University and was a visiting researcher at the College of Information Studies, University of Maryland. His research interests lie at the intersection of information systems and innovation. Specifically, his research focuses on how individuals experience working by means of digital platforms (such as crowdsourcing, crowdfunding, and gig work platforms). Within the Nordic Centre for Internet and Society, he works with Dr. Christoph Lutz and Prof. Dr. Christian Fieseler on a number of joint projects on digital platforms.

He received his PhD from Jönköping International Business School and was, amongst others, a guest researcher at Stanford University and the University of British Columbia. His research is rooted in Organization Theory and follows two broad empirical streams: first, Matthias studies family firms and how they renew themselves through entrepreneurship.

Second, he investigates new forms of organizing in online communities. Together with the Nordic Centre for Internet and Society and in particular Dr. Eliane Bucher, he has published several articles and is currently involved in joint grant applications.

He currently also pursues a PhD at the Alexander von Humboldt Institute for Internet and Society (HIIG) on the topic of governance and business model development of digital platforms in B2B markets, supported by the German Ministry of Economics and Energy as well as the German Ministry of Finance. In September 2019, Philip visited the Nordic Centre for Internet and Society for a two-week research stay within the Global Network of Internet and Society Researcher Centers exchange program.

During his stay, he gave a well-received presentation on the topic “Mittelstand Digital – What We Learned about Digitalization in German SMEs and What We’re Working on in the Coming Years”. Moreover, Philip has been guest lecturer in the Master of Science course “Doing Digital Business”, teaching the students about design thinking, business model development and qualitative methods such as interviewing, and grading student papers.

He co-founded and was Head of Sustainability at LEAF-UP, a tech start-up working for climate change and food security solutions. Santiago is currently a global associate at the Edgelands Institute where he works with cities and in his current interests: the ethics of digitization, surveillance, and responsible digital transformations.

Shruthi Velidi was awarded a Fulbright Scholarship in 2018 by the US-Norway Fulbright Fellowship Foundation, spending a one-year fellowship at the Nordic Centre for Internet and Society. Her research interests include privacy, algorithmic and corporate profiling, as well as artificial intelligence and policy. After her stay at the Nordic Centre, Shruthi continued her collaboration with the Centre members for several academic publications (e.g., Making sense of algorithmic profiling: User perceptions on Facebook: ).

Before that he was a doctoral and postdoctoral research assistant at University of Münster and in this capacity visited the Nordic Centre for Internet and Society in 2019 for a two-month research stay. Valentin presented his research on the sharing economy in a well-received seminar and engaged actively with the Nordic Centre community.