
Tips and advice

An introverts guide to surviving “Buddy Week”

Buddy Week? What is that you might be wondering? First of all, let me disappoint you and tell you that (most likely?) it has nothing to do with a dog named Buddy with which you hoped you would be spending an entire week with. What it is instead, is an entire week where you get a chance to meet your classmates prior to the beginning of classes. “Brilliant” say all extroverts, eyes sparkling. “Agony”, screamed all the introverts in silence. As one of you (introverts), I am here to provide you with my, hopefully useful, tips on how to survive the longest week of your first semester

Full Name: Andrea Keci膰
Home Country: Croatia
Previous studies: Hospitality & Tourism Management
Previous institution: Rochester Institute of Technology (RIT, Croatia)
Current Study Program: MSc in Strategic Marketing Management

1.  Manage your expectations

The week will be filled with activities that require you to be surrounded by people you have never met before. Most of them will usually involve drinking. The stereotype that 黑料专区s are more likely to talk to you when they’re drunk is well… not wrong (most of the time). So, if drinking brings out your extrovert side, congratulations! You’re in for a fun time. If it increases your introversion percentage, well.. Good luck, you got this! :)



2.  Find another introvert

Obviously. If you’re one of us, you probably have a sensor that would help you tell introverts and extroverts apart. And since someone has to balance the outgoing, chatty, social energy. It’s always easier when you can do it with someone, rather than alone.


3.  Prepare your answers in advance

“So, why did you come to Norway?”, “Why did you choose BI?

“How long have you been in Norway?”, “How do you like it so far?”

If someone gave me a dollar every time someone asked me any of these questions. I think I could afford an apartment in Oslo. What I’m saying is - expect the expected. If you already know the type of questions you will get. It will be much easier and less nerve wracking to make conversation with strangers.


4.  Attend activities where you don’t have to talk

This will highly depend on your buddies and what they had planned for you. But there are bound to be at least a few. For example, we had an escape room and paint-n-sip on our agenda. Both of these activities were great. They required minimum interaction since everyone was just focused on doing their own thing!



5.  Skip a day, or two,.. (or three)

Recharging your batteries is more equally as important as is meeting new friends. Allow yourself a chance to use a pass card on a day (or however many) you need it. Take this chance to get to know the area you live in. Get the furniture for your room, or explore the city on your own. If you have roommates, this is a great chance to get to know them, too!


I hope I didn’t make The Scream out of the Scary Movie. In all honesty, buddy week was a great personal experience. I met some of my best friends. It’s a great feeling to walk into a classroom one week later, when you already know some people. When the professors assign group work and you already know you’ve found people you can survive with. Plus, your buddies, aka The Upperclassmen. Always have a word, or two, of wisdom to share. If I managed to pull through and make great memories, so can you. Good luck!
