
Internship and job opportunities

Managing time between studies, job and free time

Even though full-time studying and part-time working can be challenging to combine, in the end, it still gives much more than it takes.

Name: Emilia Bäckström 
Home country: Finland 
Bachelor’s degree: Bachelor in Marketing 
Previous university: Hanken School of Economics, Finland
Current study program: MSc in Strategic Marketing Management
Campus: Oslo

When I started my master studies, I had a student position at a company in Finland. As this position was a position in Finland, requiring my presence at the office, I had to find myself a new job in Oslo after a few months. 

I looked at job portals such as Finn.no, where I found a job post about a part-time salesperson position at the health store, Life. I decided to apply for this position, as I thought it could be good to have a job which would not require me to sit in front of a computer all day, as this is how I spend most of my time studying. 

Eventually I got the job. 

Between starting in this position and ending my old position I had a few weeks of not working. In this time, I realized how important work is in balancing your life, while studying. 

Life store

You can combine part-time work and full-time studies

There are always people asking how one has the energy to both work and study, but the fact is that after a long day studying it is refreshing to go to work and take a break from studying and do something else for a while - and earn some money. Even though full-time studying and part-time working can be challenging to combine, in the end, it still gives much more than it takes. 

When looking for jobs while studying I would recommend looking for work that will not be too demanding, as working should not be negatively affecting your studying. Therefore, even though a job as “basic” as a salesperson might seem boring compared to other much more demanding positions, it is important to keep in mind not to overwork oneself. 

It is also important during the interview process or when you get the job offer, to talk with the employer about how flexible they are during exam periods and busy school periods, as it might be that you would need to work less during certain time periods. 

Use your free time wisely

As studying can be quite hectic at times, it is important to take some time off and enjoy free time. 

Therefore, I think that having a flexible, part-time job, is perfect for students because then you will still end up with enough free time where you get to properly recharge and spend time with friends and family. 

Having said this, I really think that all job positions, even though they might seem “too basic” or are not directly connected to your major, will give you many new experiences, and broaden your network. 

Lastly, while studying (and working) might sometimes feel like it takes all your time, remember to take a well-needed break. Look around at the beautiful nature in Norway and take and go for a relaxing walk.
