
My journey to BI

Why I Chose the MSc In Strategic Marketing Management

I’ll tell you how my decision to join BI’s MSc in Strategic Marketing Management was thoroughly planned. But first, let me ask you this. Do you know that feeling when you’re overwhelmed by the number of universities offering a master’s program of your interest?

Name: Isha Khawas
Home country: Nepal
Programme: MSc in Strategic Marketing Management

When I started my masters hunt, I found several universities with starkly impressive profiles, offering marketing programs. I was met with the paradox of choice - How should I choose among all these cool options? Turns out, making the decision isn’t as difficult if I answered 3 simple questions – the What, the Where, and the Why?

The What?

I wanted to specialize in marketing for many reasons. The major reason is that marketing is like an ocean – the more you look into it, the deeper it gets. There’s always more to explore with marketing – brands, consumer behaviors, advertisements, promotions, price psychologies, digital markets, you name it! My interest in understanding these concepts answered, “what I wanted from my master’s program?”

Markets are dynamic but have a rhythm at the same time – that’s what makes it interestingly challenging. Therefore, by the end of my masters I wanted to be able to read through the market. Also, understand its dynamics, and take a step closer to building a brand.

The Where?

Depending on the quality of academic institutions, investment-value return, safety and security, I filtered my options. BI was one of the top options in my list. It had a triple accreditation and offered different marketing-specialized programs.

I had a good impression of BI as soon as I first contacted the college. The response rate was impressively quick. There were many touch points and I always got solutions in case of any problems. For me, the ever-ready-to-help attitude of BI was a boon indeed. 

The Why?

Answers to the above two questions explain why I chose MSc in Strategic Marketing Management at BI. Definitely, the curriculum structure is the first thing I checked. The best thing about BI’s MSc in Strategic Marketing Program is that I can customize my master’s degree. With a range of elective courses, internship opportunities and exchange programs. Also double degree options, students can make the most of this program. By choosing the elements they want in their master’s degree. All these options are a win-win.

Additionally, the Strategic Marketing Management Program has a blend of leadership education, which is important for marketers. Students are prepared to be the leaders in the market and many former BI students have already set the benchmark.

Was It the Right Choice for Me?

To say it plain and straight, the answer is YES!

Sitting in a class surrounded by culturally diverse people with perspectives helps me understand the mindset of the global market. Lectures usually feel less theoretical and more of a highly-interactive sessions with people from diverse backgrounds. The assignments and case studies provide insights on the real-world scenarios and consumer psychology. The guest lectures add a cherry on top - they are inspiring. Moreover, the learning resources are designed to enrich students’ experiences.

Here’s more of my top favorites from BI. BI encourages students to have a healthy social life. Through activities such as Coffee hour at Kroa. BISO outdoor activities, BI-dinner (the monthly dinner), and other social events. BI practices and encourages an inclusive environment meant for all the BI members. Indeed, we make good friends along the way.