Preparatory courses
Get a head start on your master programme and brush up on your skills with these preparatory courses offered at Campus Oslo!
Kick-start your academic year with BI’s preparatory courses.
Preparatory courses will be offered from early August for new Master of Science students starting in the autumn. These courses are included in the tuition fees.
More information is available on the student portal. If you are a new student already admitted to begin classes at BI in the autumn, you can log in for full details at the top of this page on the right-hand side. Here you will find the courses recommended for your study programme.
Courses offered
- A basic course that makes you an efficient and comfortable Excel user.
- The course is digital, based on short lessons (1–3 min) with several exercises and quizzes in Excel.
- You can complete each lesson as many times as you want, and by completing all lessons you will receive a course certificate for participation.
- The course is available both in 黑料专区 and English.
- The course is continuously updated so that new lessons can be added during your access period.
- You have access to the course as long as you are a BI student.
Read more details about this course on the student portal by logging in at the top of this page on the right-hand side.
The aim of the preparatory course is to provide a basic overview of the concepts and tools used in everyday financial decisions.
It is made for those students without any background in finance, to help them in their transition to the program. All of these topics will be covered during the first semester but at a fast pace.
We start by examining the financial statements which are regularly submitted by firms. This is followed by an introduction to basic financial concepts, such as competitive market prices, the time value of money, risk aversion, value additivity, and the law of one price. We then apply these basic concepts by looking at investment decisions made by firms, as well as at the ways in which firms finance themselves through debt and equity securities.
Read more details about this course on the student portal by logging in at the top of this page on the right-hand side.
The aim of this preparatory course is to provide an introduction to organizational behaviour (OB). The course is designed for students without any background in OB. It aims to help them in their transition to the MSc in Leadership and Organisational Psychology. The topics in the preparatory course will be covered as part of the MSc in Leadership and Organisational psychology but at an advanced level. Mastering the basics of OB prior to entering the program is essential to succeed in it.
Organizational behaviour (OB) is a field of study focused on understanding, explaining, and improving how individuals and groups behave within organizational contexts. It is a discipline that draws heavily from the behavioral science disciplines, notably psychology, social psychology, and sociology.
Through the study of OB, we can better explain, predict, and influence individual and group behavior in organizations as well as organizations themselves, and manage others – and ourselves – more effectively in organizational contexts.
Read more details about this course on the student portal by logging in at the top of this page on the right-hand side.
Foretaks rettslige forpliktelser til å avgi økonomisk informasjon til allmennheten og skatte- og avgiftsmyndighetene er meget omfattende. Årsregnskapene skal gjøres offentlig tilgjengelige, mens for eksempel skattemeldingen med vedlegg, A-meldingen og mva.-meldingen kun skal sendes myndighetene. Informasjonen i regnskapsrapportene og de ulike meldingene hentes fra foretakenes regnskapssystemer. Prinsippene som brukes for at transaksjoner og andre økonomiske hendelser skal bli korrekt beskrevet i regnskapssystemet, slik at informasjonen senere kan presenteres i rapporter og meldinger som foretaket utarbeider, er temaet i dette kurset.
Kurset gir en innføring i grunnleggende mikroøkonomisk metode. Hovedvekten er på forståelse av markeder og prisers rolle. Det legges vekt på temaer som forhandlinger, kontrakter (inklusive begrensninger i kontrakter), eierskapets rolle, betydningen av rettighetsfordeling og Coase-teoremet. Videre skal studentene forstå velferdsteoriens hovedteoremer. Fremstillingsformen er grafisk og verbal.
The students are given a brief overview over key topics in mathematics, economics, and econometrics. This overview is meant to assist the students in the transfer from the undergraduate to the graduate level.
After completing the course, the student will have knowledge of mathematics (linear systems and matrix methods, functions in one variable, derivation, integration, optimization), econometrics (regression analysis, instrumental variable methods), and economics at an undergraduate level,
Read more details about this course on the student portal by logging in at the top of this page on the right-hand side.
This course provides a recap of the required background ideas and tools from probability and linear algebra which will be used during various courses in the MSc Data Science for Business.
By the end of the course, students will have knowledge of elementary probability theory and linear algebra in n-dimensional Euclidean space. Students will be comfortable using basic tools and manipulating objects from probability and linear algebra.
Read more details about this course on the student portal by logging in at the top of this page on the right-hand side.
In this course you will review central mathematical concepts that are especially relevant for statistics at the master level. It will provide the basic mathematical tools for multivariate statistics courses for students who need to refresh their mathematical skills.
At the start of autumn semester, the course will be given for students in the following programmes:
- MSc in Leadership and Organisational Psychology
- MSc in Strategic Marketing Management
At the start of spring semester, the course will be given for students taking a MSc in Business with the following specialisations:
- Accounting and Business Control
- Leadership and Change
- Logistics and Supply Chain Mangagement
- Marketing
- Strategy
This course is not relevant for students doing MSc in Finance or MSc in Business, major in Finance or Economics. Read more details about this course on the student portal by logging in at the top of this page on the right-hand side.
This preparatory course is meant to help students with the transition from the bachelor to the master level. It reviews four important topics in quantitative methods that students are assumed to be familiar with at the beginning of the first semester.
The course is an online course designed for students in MSc in Finance and MSc in Sustainable Finance, but it will be available for students in all MSc programmes. No ECTS credits are awarded, and there is no exam, but it is possible to do a multiple choice test at the end of the course.
Read more details about this course on the student portal by logging in at the top of this page on the right-hand side.
The main objective of the course is to prepare students for more advanced topics in statistics and data science. The course provides students the possibility to refresh and update their knowledge about statistics. The course additionally introduces students to simple mathematical notation applied in statistics and data science courses.
Students will obtain knowledge about important statistical concepts, which in turn will allow students to take on more advanced topics in probability theory and statistical modeling.
Attending the preparation course in statistics, students will acquire necessary skills for solving simple mathematical and statistical problems.Read more details about this course on the student portal by logging in at the top of this page on the right-hand side.
We emphasise the importance of considering these preparatory courses. If you do not have this knowledge in your background, please register for the corresponding course(s). It will give you valuable support throughout your master programme.