

Double Degree

The Double Degree programme allows you to earn two master's degrees in the same time it takes to complete one. Double your insight, double your network, and double your potential!

Why Double Degree?

You will study at two renowned schools during your master's programme, meaning you will gain the knowledge and perspectives of more than one internationally recognised academic institution. Combined with the cultural competence and language skills you get after living in two countries, you will be well prepared for an international job market.

  • Spend the first academic year at BI, and the second academic year abroad at the host university
  • Study at two internationally acclaimed institutions
  • Earn two master's degrees in two years

Where can I go?

Options for Master of Science in Business 

  • Católica Lisbon School of Business and Economics in Portugal

Available for Master of Science in Business students who major in Economics, Finance, Marketing, or Strategy.

  • EDHEC Business School, Campus Lille, in France

Available for Master of Science in Business students in all majors.

  • Smith School of Business at Queen’s University in Canada

Available for Master of Science in Business students, all majors - except Leadership and Change.

Options for Master of Science in Entrepreneurship and Innovation

  • UPF Barcelona School of Management, Spain
  • Wirtschaftsuniversität Wien, Austria

Options for Master of Science in Finance 

  • Católica Lisbon School of Business and Economics in Portugal
  • EDHEC Business School, Campus Nice, in France

Options for Master of Science in Strategic Marketing Management 

  • University of Groningen, Netherlands
  • UPF Barcelona School of Management, Spain

Options for Master of Science in Digital Communication Management 

  • Wirtschaftsuniversität Wien, Austria


For further details on the Double Degree programme, please contact us at info@bi.no with any questions.