

What can I do with my degree?

Set up for the perfect match

After finishing her MSc, Anniken Salvesen found a position that enables her to get to know several functions within the company on her way to find the perfect match.

Anniken Salvesen

Position: Trainee

Employer: Sporveien

MSc in Business – major in Strategy

“I work as a trainee and visit different departments in Sporveien. I'm just now celebrating one year with the company. ”

Sporveien is a large company with four thousand employees that runs the buses, trams and subways in Oslo. Salvesen is currently involved in two projects: one in procurement and logistics, and the other in HR development. She has also worked with data analysis, finance and business management.

“The work is linked to the operation of the tram and subway, as well as change management and development. It's very exciting and a great way to use fresh theory from my studies in practice. I can work strategically and operationally, and since I don’t have a fixed role, I get to participate in a lot of different assignments.”

The broad variation of tasks gives her a basic understanding of the entire company, and aids in finding her a permanent position that will fit her skills and the company’s needs alike.

Strategy changed everything

Anniken started out studying public relations for her bachelor, but ended up graduating with a business degree, majoring in strategy.

“I was very determined when I started studying public relations and communication management at the bachelor level and had plans to get a job in an agency. However, over the past year, we learned about strategy and I realised that I wanted to delve into that. I also learned that the business community is interested in better financial understanding in PR.”

So Anniken switched to studying business, which eventually sparked her interest in numbers by the time she started her masters.

“After starting my master's, I was searching for a place where I could work with numbers, analysis, strategy, business development and change management.”

Focused on cooperation

It is only fitting that Anniken is getting experience from several different departments at Sporveien and is able to observe their ways of working. She wrote her master's thesis on interdisciplinary cooperation in the municipality of Oslo. Her research inspired her, and it made clear to her what area she wanted to work in after studying.

“When I started at Sporveien, it was about contract follow-up of the Ruter company. I have seen how this process can contribute to efficiency and value, but also how it can hinder progress when it does not work optimally. I've become extra interested in active collaboration. This doesn't just happen on its own, you have to set aside time and resources and prioritise. This applies internally within companies, but also between companies. The municipality of Oslo is a bit of a special case, as the municipality owns all the companies I have been involved with.”