What can I do with my degree?
Creating helpful marketing strategies
“A lot of traditional marketing is not personalised at all,” says Camilla Visjø. She is motivated by creating content that is helpful to end customers.
Camilla Visjø
Position: Project Manager
Employer: Inbound Group
After finishing her business degree, Camilla got a job as a project manager at the agency Inbound Group, specialising in inbound marketing methodology.
“I create marketing strategies with our clients and then make sure that our team carries out the plans”
The first thing Camilla does when she works with a client is to schedule about ten meetings in a period of two months. During these meetings, she asks what the client really wants to achieve. For example, a company may have a goal of increasing sales by 50 percent for a product group over the next year.
“Together with the client, we perform an analysis of the company. Then we find out who to address, what should be the message, what channels are best and so on. We do interviews with customer groups to find out what is important to them.”
There are many meetings and discussions with the client, both on the phone and in the office. Eventually, Camilla collects all decisions and information to create a working plan, paving the way for implementation.
Giving advice and building trust
Inbound Group is a relatively young company and has only been in business for a few years. They create content and help their client's market themselves through all the channels that are necessary to accomplish their goals, such as websites, blogs or social media.
“Coming up with marketing strategies that are helpful for our clients is very motivating. Oftentimes, traditional marketing efforts are not personalised at all,” Camilla points out.
Currently she works with eight different companies. One of the firms is a crowdfunding company.
“Our main challenge in this case is to market a product that is not yet released. I found that very interesting. How can I build trust? How can I build awareness? How can I create helpful content for the people who will eventually purchase the product?”
Camilla is creating videos and explaining how the crowdfunding product works. She is well aware that potential customers probably will ask themselves: “Is this a trustworthy company?”
“One of our goals is to inspire the younger market, therefore we use Instagram, Facebook, blogs and other platforms to create awareness and give new customers advice about what they should do with their money.”
“We build a trust relationship with their customers’ that is much stronger than the relationships you get with traditional marketing. We really believe in “the helping way” - which we work to solve problems for people and create good solutions.”
Combining journalism with business
Some years ago, Camilla studied journalism at BI, and later got a Master of Science in Business with a specialisation in marketing, which was also from BI.
“Being a journalist helps in this work because we do content marketing - we produce many articles, websites and blogs. I like my job a lot because I get to combine the business background from BI with journalism. I wrote a lot before, but now I have content producers writing for me.
In addition to meetings with clients, Camilla’s work hours are often spent working in front of the screen together with a consultant.
Inbound Group´s office is located between the Parliament and the big news media firms in the centre of Oslo, so it is easy for clients to hold meetings nearby. Camilla has 17 colleagues at the office – plus the bonus of a company dog, who creates a relaxed and fun atmosphere at work.