Centre for Experimental Studies and Research (CESAR)
The Centre for Experimental Studies and Research – CESAR – provides high quality research on decisions and markets using economic theory and experimental methods.
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- Publications
- Working Papers
Bossaerts, P., Duffy, J., Rabanal, J. P., Rud, O., & Yadav, N.
ETF indexing strategies and asset prices: Experimental evidence.
Bossaerts, P., Duffy, J., Rabanal, J. P., Rud, O., & Yadav, N. (2024).
Duffy, J., Friedman, D., Rabanal, J. P., & Rud, O.
Trade, Voting, and ESG Policies: Theory and Evidence.
Duffy, J., Friedman, D., Rabanal, J. P., & Rud, O. (2023).
Xu, X., Metsälampi, S., Kirchler, M., Kotakorpi, K., Matthews, P. H., & Miettinen, T.
Which income comparisons matter to people, and how? Evidence from a large field experiment.
Helsinki GSE Discussion Papers
Heggedal, T.R. and T.McKay
Discounting in fnite‑time bargaining experiments
Heggedal, T.R. and T.McKay (2024). Discounting in finite-time bargaining experiments. Journal of the Economic Science Association
Heggedal, T.R, E.R Moen, og M.V. Knutsen
Possible Collusion and Equilibrium Prices
Heggedal, T.R, E.R Moen, og M.V. Knutsen (2024): "Possible Collusion and Equilibrium Prices”, unpublished manuscript
Knutsen, Magnus V.
Endogenous Prices in Markets with Reputational Concerns
RAND Journal of Economics
De Haan, T. & M. V. Knutsen
Product Ratings and Externalities
De Haan, T. & M. V. Knutsen (2023): "Product Ratings and Externalities”, unpublished manuscript
Heggedal, T.R., Helland, L., and Moen, E.R.
Sequential Price Setting: Theory and Evidence from a Lab Experiment
International Economic Review
McKay, T
Bribery and competition in auctions
McKay, T (2023): “Bribery and competition in auctions”, unpublished manuscript
McKay, T. & C. Riis
Auctions with multiple right of refusal clauses
McKay, T. & C. Riis (2023): "Auctions with multiple right of refusal clauses”, unpublished manuscript
Brekke, K.A, Ciccone, A, Heggedal, T.R. and Helland, L
Reference points in sequential bargaining: Theory and experiment
The Scandinavian Journal of Economics
Hauge, K. E., Kotsadam, A., & Riege
Culture and gender differences in willingness to compete
The Economic Journal
Hernandez-Arenaz, I., & Iriberri, N.
Gender Differences in Alternating-offer Bargaining: An Experimental Study
Forthcoming Experimental Economics
Heggedal, T.R., Helland, L., and Moen, E.R
Sequential Price Setting: Theory and Evidence from a Lab Experiment.
Heggedal, T.R. and McKay, T
Discounting in finite-time bargaining experiments
Heggedal, T.R., Helland, L., and Knutsen, M.V.
The Power of Outside Options in the Presence of Obstinate Types
Games and Economic Behavior (2022).
Heggedal, T.R., Helland, L. and Morton. R. (2022).
Can Paying Politicians Well Reduce Corruption? The Effects of Wages and Uncertainty on Electoral Competition.
Games and Economic Behavior, 135, 60-73.
Ellingsen, T., & Kristiansen, E. G
Fair and Square: A Retention Model of Managerial Compensation
Management Science, 68(5), 3604-3624
Fiva, J.H., Geys, B., Heggedal, T.R., and Sørensen, R
Journal of Public Administration Research and Theory, 31(3), 596-615.
Helland, L., Iachan, F. S., Juelsrud, R. E., & Nenov, P. T.
Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization, 191, 538-554.
Gomez-Martinez, F, M.P. Schinkel and S. Onderstal.
Evidence from the lab (with M.P. Schinkel and S. Onderstal).
Bos, O., Gomez-Martinez, F., Onderstal, S., & Truyts, T.
Signalling in auctions: Experimental evidence
Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization, 187, 448-469
Heggedal, T.R., Helland, L. and Morton.
Heggedal, T.R., Helland, L., and Knutsen, M.V.
Gomez-Martinez, F
Partial Cartels and Mergers with Heterogeneous Firms: Experimental Evidence
Drouvelis, M, and Gomez-Martinez, F.
The impact of group identity on social responsibility and welfare in experimental markets.
Miettinen, T., Kosfeld, M., Fehr, E., & Weibull, J.
Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization, 173, 1-25.
von Essen, E., Huysentruyt, M., & Miettinen, T.
Exploration in teams and the encouragement effect: Theory and experimental evidence
Management Science, 66(12), 5861-5885.
Bos, O., Gomez-Martinez, F.and Onderstal, S
Signalling in Auctions for Risk Averse and Loss Averse Bidders
Andersen, J.J. and Heggedal, T.R
Political Rents and Voter Information in Search Equilibrium
Games and Economic Behavior, 114, 146-168
Hernandez-Arenaz, I., & Iriberri, N.
Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Economics and Finance, pp. 1–22
Hauge, K, Kotsadam, A. and Riege, A.
Heggedal, T.R., Helland, L. Joslin, K.E.N.
Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization, 150, 86-97
L. Helland, J. Hovi & H. Sælen
Oxford Economic Papers (forthcoming)
Hernandez-Arenaz, I., & Iriberri, N.
Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization, 152, 192-214.
Halko, M.L. & T. Miettinen
PLOS ONE 12(8): e0182263
Helland, L., E. Moen & E Preugschat
Journal of Economic Theory 167:53-74
M.-L. Halko & T. Miettinen
From ideals to deals - the effect of arbitration experience on stakeholder behavior
CESAR Working paper 1/16 (pdf)
S. Aakre, L. Helland & J. Hovi
Journal of Conflict Resolution 60(7):1312-40
T.-R. Heggedal, L. Helland & K.-E. Joslin
Should I stay or should I go? Bandwagons in the lab
L. Helland, J. Hovi & H. Sælen
Climate leadership by conditional committment
CESAR Working paper 1/15 (pdf)
– Online appendix (pdf)
– z-Tree program files (*.ztt): T1, T2, T3, T4
– Data set (*.txt)
– Code book (*.xlxs) -
K.A. Brekke, A. Ciccone, T.-R. Heggedal & L. Helland
Reference points in sequential bargaining: Theory and experiment
L. Helland, E. Moen & E. Preugschat
Information and coordination frictions in experimental posted offer markets
CESAR Working paper 2/15
–&²Ô²ú²õ±è;Instructions (pdf)
–&²Ô²ú²õ±è;Sample screen shots T(n,1) (pdf)
T.-R. Heggedal & L. Helland
Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization 99:168-77
L. Helland & L. Monkerud
Journal of Theoretical Politics 25(2):214-33
K. Jacobsen, K. Eika, L. Helland, J. T. Lind & K. Nyborg
Journal of Economic Psychology 32:818-31