
Centres, groups and other initiatives

Centre for Green Growth

The Center for Green Growth works on climate issues in a holisitic, multidisiplinary and long term perspective. The focus is on what can be done to reduce climate gas emissions at the global, national, corporate and individual level.

On this page, you can find an overview over previous and coming events hosted by the Centre for Green Growth, as well as corresponding materials used on these occasions, such as presentations, video, online streaming etc.

Conferences Overview

2019: Urban Green Growth

2018: Launch of the UN report

2018: The 21th Century Economist 

2017: Green Growth Innovation

2016: Circular Economy

2016: Smart Green Growth

2015: Climate Communications -- Green Economics

2015: Green Economics

2014: Open seminars on Climate Psychology

2014: Open seminars on green economics

2013: Open seminars on Climate Psychology 

2013: Open seminars on green economics

2013: Glimpse Author gathering 

2012: Open seminars on Climate Psychology

Launch of the UN Report

Can we reach the sustainable development goals without breaking the planetary boundaries? 

If the world’s nations simply continue with business as usual, the world will not succeed in achieving the 17 UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) within the 9 planetary boundaries (PBs) by 2030, nor 2050. These are findings of a world-first foresight analysis to 2050, using a Global System Model driven by historical data from 1980-2015. The report looks forward 35 years equipped with worldwide insights from data on 35 years of past links between socio-economic development and environmental change. One out of four scenarios to 2050 shows that the world’s nations can work in a truly transformational way. This requires executing five bold and transformative changes that together can secure meeting nearly all SDGs for the world’s population within Earth’s safe operating space. These policies do require substantial political will. But the present cost will be moderate, and the future benefits and profits huge. Four scenario runs, titled Same, Faster, Harder, Smarter, are illustrated in the figure below:

The launch of the report will take place at three locations:
Jørgen Randers will present the report in  Rome (Club of Rome), while Johan Rockström gives a  TED Global-talk in New York.
I Oslo, BI Nydalen,  Per Espen Stoknes will present the main findings after a preamble by WWF. 

Welcome to the 黑料专区 presnetation: 
Date: Wednesday 17th October 
Place: BI Business School, Nydalsveien 37, Oslo. Room C1-060.
Time: 14.30-16.00


Bård Vegar Solhjell (WWF) Welcome
Per Espen Stoknes (BI) presents the report
Nikolai Astrup (H), the minister of development, receives the report and comment on the main findings 
Panel debate with Espen Barth Eide (Ap), Janicke Scheele (DNB), Julie Wedege (Statkraft), Bård Vegar Solhjell og Per Espen Stoknes.
Closing argument from Environmental agent Penelope Lea.
Moderator: Borghild Tønnessen-Krokan.

The 21th Century Economist 

Seminar held on the 30th of May 2018.

In a rapidly changing world, how can economics rethink the economy’s relation to planetary boundaries? This was not important in 1900s, but is critical for the 200s.

A policy direction that is smart, inclusive and takes advantage of ‘green’ as the next big technological and market opportunity. We explore what the role of the State is in ensuring whether opportunities are taken, and the importance of direct public investment for promoting the creation of public goods and courageous risk-taking in research and innovation in both the public and private sectors. This BI seminar gives you the theory, practical examples and mingling you need to get updated.

Prestentation can be accessed below

Johan Rockstrøm, prof SRC: Planetary boundaries ... planetary economics? Presentation here

Nina Ekelund, CEO Haga-initiative: How Swedish businesses are rethinking emission economics. Presentation here

Bjørn Haugland, DNV-GL: The SDG’s and the Energy outlook for the coming decades. Presentation here 

Jørgen Randers, prof. BI: Improving wellbeing for the world’s billions by three solutions. Presentation here

Biovotec, CEO Ralf Schmidt: From biowaste to advanced wound care treatment. No presentation will be available 

Viking Heat Engines, CEO Tor Hodne: Power your processes with waste heat. Presentation here

Hunton Fiber, Chairman F.W. Mowinckel: Natural-fiber insulation - A game changer. Presentation here  

Ocean Project, CEO Christofer Troedsson:Tunicates: A new marine biomass for animal feed and

cellulose production. Presentation here 

FUSen, Sivilingeniør Trygve Mongstad: Green buildings – how facades and roofs can be part of the sustainable energy solution. Presentation here 

Jannike Østervold, Cultura Bank: Value based banking for the real economy. Presentation here

Catherine Banet & Sylvia Weddegjerde, Coolcrowd: Crowdfunding agricultural carbon? Presentation here 

Beate Sja虋fjell prof UiO Dep of Law: Integrating SDGs into Corporate Law. Presentation here

Martin Skancke, Climate Risk Commission: Integrating Climate Risk into Financial Stability and the 黑料专区 Economy. Presentation here 

Kalle Moene, prof. UiO Dep of Econ (tbc): Integrating SDGs into the Nordic Model. No presentation available. 


Green Growth Innovation 2017

The seminar revolved around smart polices that are smart, inclusive and takes advantage of 鈥榞reen鈥 as the next big technological and market opportunity. We explored what the role of  the State is in ensuring whether opportunities are taken, and the importance of  direct public investment for promoting the creation of public goods and courageous risk-taking in research and innovation in both the public and private sectors. The BI seminar gave theory and practical examples needed to get updated.

Below you can access the presentations.  

鈥淪mart green growth鈥 innovation for a prosperous society - Carlota Perez, professor, London School of Economics 

Presentation here Video

Radical Innovation from The 鈥楧rawdown鈥 Project -Paul Hawken, author

Presentation here Video

Institutional Innovation for Securing Green Growth -Arild Vatn, professor, 黑料专区 University of Life Sciences

Presentation here Video

Shelf  Life Indicators for Smarter, Better Food -Kristen Hovland, CEO, Keep-It Technologies

Presentation here Video

Realizing the Smart Grid with Big Data - Tina Skagen, eSmart

Presentation here Video

Roof  Power to All -Andreas Thorsheim, CEO, Otovo

Presentation here Video

Smarter Buildings in Smarter Cities -Ane Marte Hausken, Lyse

Presentation here Video

Fast growing sustainable timber into hardwoods -Christian Jebsen, CEO, Kebony

Presentation here Video

Ethical Green Impact Investment -Kjell F. L酶vold, CEO, Cultura Bank

Presentation here Video

Re-inventing Prosperity with 13 New Policy Solutions -J酶rgen Randers, professor, BI

Presentation here Video

Medarbeidernes rolle i 氓 drive gr酶nn innovasjon -Vegard Einan, Parat&YS-Privat

Presentation here Video

X2 - Innovation Center - Et nytt liv etter oljen? -Christian Rangen 

Presentation here Video

Hvordan gj酶r vi Norge til "det beste landet for 氓 investere i private, gr酶nne bedrifter?" -Per Koch, Innovasjon Norge

Presentation here Video

De nye innovasjonspolitiske utfordringene: System re-design -H氓kon Haugli, Abelia

Presentation here Video

BI's 2016 Seminar on Circular Economy

Presentations and video from Seminar on Circular Economy

Today's economic system can be described as Linear Economy. This means that a product is manufactured in order to be sold, consumed and finally disposed of. The scarcity of resources forces us to re-evaluate this approach and move towards greater resource productivity and reduced waste and pollution. What are the consequences for business development and innovation, working environment, expertise and politics of such movement? Sign up for our seminar to hear up-to-date research results and new ideas on the topic.

(Description and program in 黑料专区)

Veien fremover går i sirkel - seminar om sirkulær økonomi

Dagens økonomiske system kan beskrives som lineært. Et produkt lages med det formål at det skal selges, deretter forbrukes, før det blir til avfall. Dette kan ikke fortsette, da jordens knappe ressurser er i ferd med å bli brukt opp.

 Eksempler på sirkulær økonomi fortsetter:

BI's 2016 Seminar on Smart Green Growth

For years there has been talk of decoupling economic growth from resource use. It has seemed almost impossible based on 1900s economics, but now looking increasingly achievable as companies take on the challenges even when national governments hesitate. Green Growth is described as an ambitious new model for economic growth for the 2000s. But if the envisioned transformation is to succeed rapidly enough it requires a fresh approach to economics, innovation and proactive policymaking.


  • Idar Kreuzer, Leader Green Competitiveness Commission: Green Competitiveness What and Why? 
  • Gunter Pauli, Founder Zeri.: Change the Rules of the Game to Accelerate Commercialisation? 
  • Helga Vanthournout, Sen. Expert McKinsey: Monetizing the Promises of Circular Economy. 
  • Panel: Are we now seeing the green growth paradigm shift? 
  • Raymond Carlsen, CEO Scatec Solar: Business Model Innovation in Solar Power. 
  • Aleksander Mortensen, Sen. VP Tomra: Beyond bottles. Improving Yields With Smarter Sensors. 
  • Harald Grande, CEO Tizir: More Titanium with Less Resource Use.
  • Jon Funderud, CEO Seaweed solutions: Food, health and energy from ocean biomas. 
  • Anders H. Lier, CEO Enoro: How Data Can Contribute to a Sustainable Energy Future.
  • Four Smart Green Innovative Companies from Techmakers' Green Accelerator. 
  • Andreas Klemsdal, Finansavisen: Rene Katastrofer - Grønne Milliardfiaskoer. 
  • Per Espen Stoknes, BI: Grønn-prat eller reell smart grønn vekst - hva er forskjellen? 
  • Politisk panel: Nikolai Astrup (H), Terje Aasland (Ap), Trine Skei Grande (V), and Rasmus Hanson (MDG) moderated by Hilde Widerøe Wibe (in 黑料专区). 


BI's 2015 Seminar on Climate Communications

While we wait for top-down climate solutions to - hopefully - emerge from Paris, we know that intensive bottom-up actions are necessary to push bolder policy. This was the focus of the fourth Climate Communications seminar at 黑料专区 Business School.



BI's 2015 Seminar on Green Economics

The seminar was based on the contributions written out as full text contributions in the book Science Based Activism.



Earlier events

  • Open seminars on Climate Psychology (autumn 2012, 2013 and 2014) held at BI in Nydalen in cooperation with GreeNudge, Milj酶direktoratet, NSB and others.
  • Open seminars on green economics (spring 2013, 2014) held at BI in Nydalen, in cooperation with NV-GL, YS, NHO, UiO-BI Business Forum.
  • Glimpse Authors gathering (2013) 鈥 First GAG, organized at Cambridge UK. This was an academic meeting of 25 authors of "glimpse" in 2052-book.